Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Minute Maid Orange Juice Bars are DELICIOUS!

It's Random Trivia Tuesday! Celebrate!

~When Burger King decided to sell fast food Down Under, they found that there was already a local carry-out restaurant called "Burger King." As a result, if you're looking for a Whopper in Australia today, you'll have to go to a chain called "Hungry Jack's."

~Before Briton Hadden and Henry Luce decided to call their new magazine Time, they were debating calling it either Chance or Destiny

~The average lifespan of a major league baseball is 7 pitches

~King James IV of Scotland was an amateaur dentist, and even paid people to let him practice on their teeth

~The first American-made condoms were made from vulcanized rubber and were meant to be re-used

~When Union soldiers cut off supply deliveries to the Confederacy during the Civil War, the South was not able to get paper from northern paper mills. So, Confederate papers were printed on the back of wallpaper peeled off of parlor walls

~Most teddy bears are manufactured with a neutral expression on their faces so that children can project their own emotions onto the stuffed creatures

~The flashes of colored light you see when you rub your eyes are called "phosphenes"

-This session of Random Trivia Tuesday brought to you by The Amazing Fact Generator

In other news, spending a few days at home. And of course, it takes one day for me to be blames for putting a virus on my mother's laptop

For goodness sake, people! I know I'm known for doing this, but I seriously didn't visit any other sites except QC, facebook, my email and a few blogs. What is her proof? Her computer wouldn't shut down fast enough, so she starts pushing all these buttons and freaking it out. I don't know what was wrong with it. I held down the power button, it turned itself off and she slapped my hand away, saying that that wasn't the way to shut it down

*rolls eyes* Yes. I know that's not the accepted way to shut down a computer, but when you've run out of options, that's what you gotta do. When she went upstairs, I turned the computer back on, let it sit for a few minutes and then turned it off the normal way.

Works fine

And you think I freak out over my computer...I mean, I do, but I think I'm starting to get a little desensitized to it. I think there are viruses running rampant in my poor PC, but it turns on, it lets me watch movies, it lets me get on AIM and check sites. I'm quite proud of it after all I've done to it

I had an exciting weekend. Saw Ben, went to the bar (had my first [and probably last] Irish Carbomb), watched some Zim and Alice in Wonderland, saw Drunken City 2 and 1/2 times (but missed Combating Shakespeare. Sad face), and then took a very much needed walk with Bridget and Mary Kate Sunday night. I had a bit of stuff on my mind, so I'm kinda glad I didn't get a lot of sleep Saturday night/Sunday morning because I passed right out after I got home from the walk - didn't even give myself time to mull. That was a good thing. Bad thing was that I spent the second unintentional night sleeping on a couch until 11am.

My brother and I also rented When In Rome, mainly because my brother likes Kristin Bell. For it being a RomCom, it was all right. I mean, I wasn't the biggest fan, but it did make me laugh quite a bit, so I've got to give them that. The lead guy's character was extremely accident prone, which I think they added in there to make the movie a little more unique (not that that worked wonders). It doesn't really come into play too much except to make the audience laugh.

It had a very surpringly interesting cast - all people I wasn't really expecting to see.

On a last note, I fucking HATE Kennedy from Season 7 Buffy. Joss said he wanted to find a girl for Willow that was completely opposite from Tara. Well, congrats, asshole, you found her and she's the most annoying and bratty piece of crap I've ever encountered

and she's not hot


That is all

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