Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 27 - First t.v show obsession

We're not counting childrens' shows. Kids have nothing better to do than to get addicted to Sesame Street

Unless you didn't have a TV as a kid. In that case, I am both terribly sorry and am wildly envious.


First TV obsession: ER

It was always on TNT in the mornings at 10am and 11am. I caught all of Seasons 7-12ish and then kinda tuned out of it, but those seasons were my one and only TV obsession for a while. All the seasons with George Clooney, I never really watched all the way through. I imagine he was a very attractive doctor, but those were never the first seasons I saw, though I hear they're the best

That's debatable

I refused to watch the last few seasons. I was going to shoot the writers towards the end of the series because of the kind of shit I heard they were putting Abby and Luka through. They couldn't get a single ounce of peace to themselves. It was hard to hear about

I ADORE Noah Wyle.

Goran Visnjic is all kinds of wonderful Croatian.

I did tune in for the last few episodes of the series, though. All the old people were coming back. It was nice to see Carter and Susan and Doug.

You know what? Shut the hell up. I loved this show and I'm not shamed to say it.


Today is Random Trivia Tuesday

*sparse applause*


~In Detroit, Michigan, it is a crime to sell used confetti

~The Pickle is a movie about a director trying to launch his new movie about a flying pickle. Starring Little Richard and Donald Trump

~The proper name for otter dung is "spraints"

~Seriozha Grishin was a gifted Ukrainian who was able to play the piano by the age of one

~In Africa, it is still illegal for bantu hunters to laugh at an elephant's butt after trapping it

-This session of Random Trivia Tuesday brought to you by Balderdash, the game for good liars

A friend of mine who is obsessed with Lady Gaga posted something on her wall about the meaning of her latest video "Alejandro." Why people spend a ton of time trying to come up with meanings for videos is beyond me, but I supposed with Lady Gaga, she gives you a lot to work with so the endeavor is never totally without satisfaction.

I just really like the song.

I didn't know it was about the occult


I didn't know Alejandro was God, Fernando was Jesus, and Roberto was the Holy Ghost.

Damn. That song makes so much sense now. I can't believe I didn't see it before.

(I'm gonna feel kinda bad if that's really what she was getting at)

I don't want to talk about this much longer. If you're terribly curious as to how Lady Gaga is referencing the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Illuminati, the Trinity, and Satanism in her video, feel free to read this

And if you're not, don't.

In other news, Mystery Diagnosis was creepy last night. The first one was about a kid whose antibodies were attacking his brain instead of the strep bacteria that he had. I mean, he simply got strep - didn't even feel a sore throat - and his stupid body starts attacking parts of his brain.

First, he refuses to sleep in his bed. He'll sleep anywhere except his bed (he says this is because the comforter had bright yellow lines on it that made him feel anxious). Then, he insists that every light in the house be on at all time. After that, he starts walking funny - either marching, or hopping or crouching down low and moving his legs in an odd pattern. Following that, his hands are constantly strained as if he were tugging on something, his hands are always over his ears and he constantly rocks back and forth. Then he starts whispering to himself, things like "Nothing is nothing is nothing is nothing."

The final straw for his mother is when he came shuffling downstairs, didn't say a word and merely handed her a crumpled up piece of paper that had the word HELP written in huge letters

I find it purely terrifying that the mind can do that to you. It wasn't a psychological thing. It was purely medical. And all from a strep infection. My Lord, I used to get strep all the time and this didn't happen to me.

I hate the human body

That is all

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