We got my girl, Kaylee, here from "Firefly." What to say about Kaylee? She's a sweetie and talks innocent, but she surprises the hell out of you in so many ways. The captain loves her and she loves her captain. The relationships between her and Simon is always fun (considering he's one of my favs). There is nothing that I don't love about this lady here.
Close second: Amy Pond

She's the best person for the Doctor (or at least the newly regenerated Doctor). Snarky, clever, but wildly stupid sometimes. She's sassy. Got moxie. I like her
At 3:30 last night, I was woken up by an absolutely terrifying crash. I thought it came from inside the apartment. *gasp* The Loverly Roommate might be hurt.
Then, I heard yelling from outside (though it sounded like it was in my room). Lots and lots of yelling. Of the male variety
Then, more smashing. Glass breaking. I thought he had thrown a beer bottle or something
Nope. He kicked in windows. Not one window ("Oops. I was mad and didn't know my own strength"), but three.
Real macho, buddy.
I would have yelled down at him to shut up, but in my sleep stupor, I was mighty afraid the guy was going to come up to my room and kick my ass...seeing as he couldn't get his hands on the person he was yelling at over the phone, I imagine he wanted to smash somebody's skull. Of the female variety
Emily said that she caught a bit more of the conversation. Something like, "I put my life on hold for you for two months and this is how you treat me."
Well. Yes. This is how I treat you...after you smash in three windows and wake up an entire apartment complex with your douche bag yelling and your douche bag outfit (all white...might have had a sweater tied around his shoulders. couldn't quite see. was trying to sleep) and your douche bag self
Please feel free to never EVER call me again and yell at me for a solid hour about how pathetic you are and I'll feel free never to be this pathetic ever again.
I'm hanging up
You're an asshole
Goodness gracious. If someone started yelling at me like that over the phone, I would feel quite obliged to just fucking hang up. No one is EVER going to scream at me like that, over the phone or to my face. I don't fucking care who you are. You shut your mouth, suck it up, don't smash in windows because you're mad, and we'll work it out when you've calmed the fuck down
I had an "In other news" but I forgot it. Got too worked up
That is all
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