This man is attractive. As a character, he's strong and athletic. He cares about the kids he works with. He LOVES his wife and he loves his daughter. He funny. He's sexy. He's a guy, which is something I feel many ladies' lives lack (Remember - He's still a guy). He makes really bad decisions, but he makes extremely good ones, too. He is the most important person in so many people's lives, but the guy's not cocky. He plays it cool and for that, I adore him. To you, Coach Taylor, I tip my metaphorical hat

I LOVE LORNE. In the shadow of Angel and Wesley and Gunn and all those other guys who aren't green, he tends to get forgotten. But, as the seasons progress on that show, he's pretty much the only reason I keep coming back. There is a certain depth to Lorne that's just enough that you're never overwhelmed by him. He sings prettily. And let us not forget that if it weren't for Lorne being from Pylia, we would never have been able to see Joss Whedon - as Numfar - do the Dance of Shame.
Lorne is a hilarious character and was just such a great member of the cast. I was hoping when he came on in Season 2, Joss would let him stay, and he did.
I couldn't find any clips except tributes to Andy Hallett. He died in March 2009 of congestive heart failure. He was only 33. Sad sad sad
Dune is the worst possible movie to fall asleep to.
And I'm not really sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing
Probably good
See, you're drifting off (because you drugged yourself to sleep and the drugs are lingering in your systems and you're impossibly tired), looking into the nice, blue eyes of some person on the television screen and then "AHHHHHHHHH!! GRAAHAHHHHHAHAHHAAAA!!!"
*startle* Whathefuck...
There was so much screaming and maniacal laughter and more yelling and screaming. I mean, that damn Baron would just randomly float up into the air and scream. The stupid Reverend mother with the nasty teeth was constantly yelling. And they were never yelling ANYTHING - just exercising their vocal chords, I'm imagine.
I don't quite know what to say about that movie. My mom and brother LOVE it, so I've seen parts, but I've never sat down to watch the entire thing. The minute that big whale/worm thing starts shitting light, I zone out (I'm not actually sure what's going on in that scene. It just looks like he's shitting lightbeams of some sort). But, I watched the entire thing yesterday. The parts I fell asleep for earlier in the day, I caught later when they had it on again.
Perhaps Dune is another book I should read. The story was interesting, but you try to take a good book and turn it into a movie (in the 80s, to top that), you'll probably wind up with a few people scratching their heads at the end
I would like to be able to blow somebody up with a thought, word, and/or sound. That would be really cool
My beef with the romantic comedy movie production
Example: a movie takes place in Ireland, but damn, you know, Brad Pitt is super cute (not) and would be great in that role...except he doesn't FUCKING SPEAK WITH AN IRISH ACCENT
There are far too many attractive Irishmen. Or Scotsmen. Or Brits. Why do they always have to find American actors to put on shitty accents when they could find someone who actually has the accent
What's worse is when they take a gloriously accented man (Gerard Butler) and make him speak in every accent EXCEPT his native Scottish one.
Uh. Excuse me. No
He can't do accents well, but the one that he already fucking has is sexy enough. Why don't we go with that, huh, guys?
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