Thursday, June 24, 2010

Best Impressions

I just got back from doing a huge application-getting thingy with Bridget. Thankfully, she's one of those go-getters and offered to come with me. I probably would have gotten discouraged sooner and quit with only a few apps. I have so many right now

Guess what I'm doing tonight?

Hopefully, if none of this works out, Chris will take pity on my poor, unemployed soul and let me come back to the theater. I really don't mind closing concessions. Just give me money, dude! I'll do anything

I think my parents would prefer I get myself an office job or something that pays more than minimum wage, but I don't know any other way to say "I'm not staying here forever" than to say "I'm not FUCKING staying here forever!" I would rather not stay in Jackson for the rest of my 20s, thank you. They want me to look for a long-haul type of thing, I think. Now, I could be COMPLETELY wrong, but I feel like I need a job that I can take with me if I move somewhere else. Let's say I get trained at Outback or at a hotel - might not be one of those jobs you want to keep for all of your natural born life, but they sure do bring in quite a bit of money and once you're trained, you're trained for good. I can go to grad school anywhere and hopefully pick up a job. I don't know if office jobs or temp jobs would do that

I could be wrong. Dead wrong. But I dunno.

I don't know the world

On a much cheerier note, it's actually been nice being home. I get to take walks with people, go out to dinner with some ladies I haven't seen.

And I got my hair cut

I was truly tempted to just tell her to shave it all off, because I have truly run out of ideas of what to do with it. I would go really artsy, with the sides shaved, all faux-hawked up and gelled to perfection, but that just wouldn't look good on me. My face is too round and too fat to cut it super short - it would probably look funny

As it is, she cut it pretty short. It's a bob, like my hair away is when it's cut short. I don't know if I could pull off a shag well. I suppose one of these days I should see. It's just hair. It always grows back and you can always do something else with it. Not too big of a deal. And I always find something fun to do with the cuts I get, so I like it well enough

It has the layers I asked for, so that's a plus


Because I missed it yesterday


-This photo brought to you by PETA and Awkward Family Photos

That is all

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