Guess what I'm doing tonight?
Hopefully, if none of this works out, Chris will take pity on my poor, unemployed soul and let me come back to the theater. I really don't mind closing concessions. Just give me money, dude! I'll do anything
I think my parents would prefer I get myself an office job or something that pays more than minimum wage, but I don't know any other way to say "I'm not staying here forever" than to say "I'm not FUCKING staying here forever!" I would rather not stay in Jackson for the rest of my 20s, thank you. They want me to look for a long-haul type of thing, I think. Now, I could be COMPLETELY wrong, but I feel like I need a job that I can take with me if I move somewhere else. Let's say I get trained at Outback or at a hotel - might not be one of those jobs you want to keep for all of your natural born life, but they sure do bring in quite a bit of money and once you're trained, you're trained for good. I can go to grad school anywhere and hopefully pick up a job. I don't know if office jobs or temp jobs would do that
I could be wrong. Dead wrong. But I dunno.
I don't know the world
On a much cheerier note, it's actually been nice being home. I get to take walks with people, go out to dinner with some ladies I haven't seen.
And I got my hair cut
I was truly tempted to just tell her to shave it all off, because I have truly run out of ideas of what to do with it. I would go really artsy, with the sides shaved, all faux-hawked up and gelled to perfection, but that just wouldn't look good on me. My face is too round and too fat to cut it super short - it would probably look funny
As it is, she cut it pretty short. It's a bob, like my hair away is when it's cut short. I don't know if I could pull off a shag well. I suppose one of these days I should see. It's just hair. It always grows back and you can always do something else with it. Not too big of a deal. And I always find something fun to do with the cuts I get, so I like it well enough
It has the layers I asked for, so that's a plus
Because I missed it yesterday

-This photo brought to you by PETA and Awkward Family Photos
That is all
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