Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 18 - Favorite title sequence

Big Bang Theory

It's catchy. It's short. It's fun to watch

A close second would be Lost, I think (even if I don't watch it). It's just the word "LOST" - quick, easy, and simple. My goal in these is for you to either entertain me or get me to my damn show already!




A work-out with a sledgehammer.

This shouldn't be as odd to me as it is.

When Sean called and said he needed to go to Meijer to get a sledgehammer, I didn't hesitate. I figured it was for another project. Yes, a sledgehammer is serious business and I didn't expect he'd be knocking down walls or anything like that, but maybe there was new game with smashing cans or something like that

Hey. Gimme a break. Exercise was not the first conclusion I jumped to

But, it's real. This thing called Shovelglove (or something like that) is this whole exercise cult following thing.


So, apparently, this is what Sean is going to do to stay fit

Odd, but it does seem to suit him, personality wise

In other news, I really enjoyed the storm that we had last night. I imagine that others were not so happy about it as there were tornadoes in some parts of Michigan, but in East Lansing, the worst we had to weather was a brief power outage (brief meaning 2 seconds)

Stauff's thing is tomorrow, which is kind of exciting. Going out of the apartment yesterday was crazy amounts of fun (for I was not bored for the first time in a week), so I'm guessing Stauff's will a crazy whirligig of fun

I get to see Haley, whom I've grown very very fond of despite not seeing or talking or interacting in any way with her at all. She's always just so cheerful and enthusiastic and red-headed. She's fun.

The clouds are parting and there's still the scent of rain in the air.

I love when it's 64 degrees

That is all

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