I think 30 Rock probably has the best cast
I mean, c'mon. Tina Fey. Alec Baldwin. Tracy Morgan
Jack McBrayer
Oh, how I love thee, Kenneth
Sorry this is a day late-ish, although considering I haven't slept yet, it still kinda feels like Monday. I meant to do this post before I went to Stauff's but Blogger was doing something weird and wouldn't let me sign in. Oh well
Stauff's was a fun success. It was comfy and relatively quiet (considering Sasha and I were in the attic most of the time watching Arrested Development and playing Euchre with Stephen Stauffer and his friend, Rick). It was a conveniently located house as it was right across the street from a Little Caesars and a liquor store (not that I drank anything). Played some Left4Dead 2. Ate some cookie dough, courtesy of the lovely Haley. Visited with people.
And it was an absolutely gorgeous night. I got to wear the new "Como se llama" sweatshirt due to the chill in the air. Love love love
Then I did a stupid thing and drove home at six in the morning, but I hate sleeping at other people's houses when I could just as easily keep myself awake for another hour, drive home and sleep in my own damn bed
Which is what I'm going to do.
I'll do the other post later on in the day
That is all
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