Yesterday when you were young
Everything you needed done was done for you.
Now you do it on your own
But you find you're all alone.
What can you do?
You know there will be days
When you're so tired
That you can't take another step.
The night will have no stars
And you'll think you've gone as far
As you will ever get.
Go where you want to go
Be what you want to be
And if you ever turn around
You'll see me.
I can't really say
Why everybody wishes they were somewhere else.
But in the end, the only steps that matter
Are the ones you take all by yourself.
You and me
Walk on, walk on
Walk on
'Cause you can't go back now
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Best Impressions
I just got back from doing a huge application-getting thingy with Bridget. Thankfully, she's one of those go-getters and offered to come with me. I probably would have gotten discouraged sooner and quit with only a few apps. I have so many right now
Guess what I'm doing tonight?
Hopefully, if none of this works out, Chris will take pity on my poor, unemployed soul and let me come back to the theater. I really don't mind closing concessions. Just give me money, dude! I'll do anything
I think my parents would prefer I get myself an office job or something that pays more than minimum wage, but I don't know any other way to say "I'm not staying here forever" than to say "I'm not FUCKING staying here forever!" I would rather not stay in Jackson for the rest of my 20s, thank you. They want me to look for a long-haul type of thing, I think. Now, I could be COMPLETELY wrong, but I feel like I need a job that I can take with me if I move somewhere else. Let's say I get trained at Outback or at a hotel - might not be one of those jobs you want to keep for all of your natural born life, but they sure do bring in quite a bit of money and once you're trained, you're trained for good. I can go to grad school anywhere and hopefully pick up a job. I don't know if office jobs or temp jobs would do that
I could be wrong. Dead wrong. But I dunno.
I don't know the world
On a much cheerier note, it's actually been nice being home. I get to take walks with people, go out to dinner with some ladies I haven't seen.
And I got my hair cut
I was truly tempted to just tell her to shave it all off, because I have truly run out of ideas of what to do with it. I would go really artsy, with the sides shaved, all faux-hawked up and gelled to perfection, but that just wouldn't look good on me. My face is too round and too fat to cut it super short - it would probably look funny
As it is, she cut it pretty short. It's a bob, like my hair away is when it's cut short. I don't know if I could pull off a shag well. I suppose one of these days I should see. It's just hair. It always grows back and you can always do something else with it. Not too big of a deal. And I always find something fun to do with the cuts I get, so I like it well enough
It has the layers I asked for, so that's a plus
Because I missed it yesterday

-This photo brought to you by PETA and Awkward Family Photos
That is all
Guess what I'm doing tonight?
Hopefully, if none of this works out, Chris will take pity on my poor, unemployed soul and let me come back to the theater. I really don't mind closing concessions. Just give me money, dude! I'll do anything
I think my parents would prefer I get myself an office job or something that pays more than minimum wage, but I don't know any other way to say "I'm not staying here forever" than to say "I'm not FUCKING staying here forever!" I would rather not stay in Jackson for the rest of my 20s, thank you. They want me to look for a long-haul type of thing, I think. Now, I could be COMPLETELY wrong, but I feel like I need a job that I can take with me if I move somewhere else. Let's say I get trained at Outback or at a hotel - might not be one of those jobs you want to keep for all of your natural born life, but they sure do bring in quite a bit of money and once you're trained, you're trained for good. I can go to grad school anywhere and hopefully pick up a job. I don't know if office jobs or temp jobs would do that
I could be wrong. Dead wrong. But I dunno.
I don't know the world
On a much cheerier note, it's actually been nice being home. I get to take walks with people, go out to dinner with some ladies I haven't seen.
And I got my hair cut
I was truly tempted to just tell her to shave it all off, because I have truly run out of ideas of what to do with it. I would go really artsy, with the sides shaved, all faux-hawked up and gelled to perfection, but that just wouldn't look good on me. My face is too round and too fat to cut it super short - it would probably look funny
As it is, she cut it pretty short. It's a bob, like my hair away is when it's cut short. I don't know if I could pull off a shag well. I suppose one of these days I should see. It's just hair. It always grows back and you can always do something else with it. Not too big of a deal. And I always find something fun to do with the cuts I get, so I like it well enough
It has the layers I asked for, so that's a plus
Because I missed it yesterday

-This photo brought to you by PETA and Awkward Family Photos
That is all
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Minute Maid Orange Juice Bars are DELICIOUS!
It's Random Trivia Tuesday! Celebrate!
~When Burger King decided to sell fast food Down Under, they found that there was already a local carry-out restaurant called "Burger King." As a result, if you're looking for a Whopper in Australia today, you'll have to go to a chain called "Hungry Jack's."
~Before Briton Hadden and Henry Luce decided to call their new magazine Time, they were debating calling it either Chance or Destiny
~The average lifespan of a major league baseball is 7 pitches
~King James IV of Scotland was an amateaur dentist, and even paid people to let him practice on their teeth
~The first American-made condoms were made from vulcanized rubber and were meant to be re-used
~When Union soldiers cut off supply deliveries to the Confederacy during the Civil War, the South was not able to get paper from northern paper mills. So, Confederate papers were printed on the back of wallpaper peeled off of parlor walls
~Most teddy bears are manufactured with a neutral expression on their faces so that children can project their own emotions onto the stuffed creatures
~The flashes of colored light you see when you rub your eyes are called "phosphenes"
-This session of Random Trivia Tuesday brought to you by The Amazing Fact Generator
In other news, spending a few days at home. And of course, it takes one day for me to be blames for putting a virus on my mother's laptop
For goodness sake, people! I know I'm known for doing this, but I seriously didn't visit any other sites except QC, facebook, my email and a few blogs. What is her proof? Her computer wouldn't shut down fast enough, so she starts pushing all these buttons and freaking it out. I don't know what was wrong with it. I held down the power button, it turned itself off and she slapped my hand away, saying that that wasn't the way to shut it down
*rolls eyes* Yes. I know that's not the accepted way to shut down a computer, but when you've run out of options, that's what you gotta do. When she went upstairs, I turned the computer back on, let it sit for a few minutes and then turned it off the normal way.
Works fine
And you think I freak out over my computer...I mean, I do, but I think I'm starting to get a little desensitized to it. I think there are viruses running rampant in my poor PC, but it turns on, it lets me watch movies, it lets me get on AIM and check sites. I'm quite proud of it after all I've done to it
I had an exciting weekend. Saw Ben, went to the bar (had my first [and probably last] Irish Carbomb), watched some Zim and Alice in Wonderland, saw Drunken City 2 and 1/2 times (but missed Combating Shakespeare. Sad face), and then took a very much needed walk with Bridget and Mary Kate Sunday night. I had a bit of stuff on my mind, so I'm kinda glad I didn't get a lot of sleep Saturday night/Sunday morning because I passed right out after I got home from the walk - didn't even give myself time to mull. That was a good thing. Bad thing was that I spent the second unintentional night sleeping on a couch until 11am.
My brother and I also rented When In Rome, mainly because my brother likes Kristin Bell. For it being a RomCom, it was all right. I mean, I wasn't the biggest fan, but it did make me laugh quite a bit, so I've got to give them that. The lead guy's character was extremely accident prone, which I think they added in there to make the movie a little more unique (not that that worked wonders). It doesn't really come into play too much except to make the audience laugh.
It had a very surpringly interesting cast - all people I wasn't really expecting to see.
On a last note, I fucking HATE Kennedy from Season 7 Buffy. Joss said he wanted to find a girl for Willow that was completely opposite from Tara. Well, congrats, asshole, you found her and she's the most annoying and bratty piece of crap I've ever encountered
and she's not hot
That is all
~When Burger King decided to sell fast food Down Under, they found that there was already a local carry-out restaurant called "Burger King." As a result, if you're looking for a Whopper in Australia today, you'll have to go to a chain called "Hungry Jack's."
~Before Briton Hadden and Henry Luce decided to call their new magazine Time, they were debating calling it either Chance or Destiny
~The average lifespan of a major league baseball is 7 pitches
~King James IV of Scotland was an amateaur dentist, and even paid people to let him practice on their teeth
~The first American-made condoms were made from vulcanized rubber and were meant to be re-used
~When Union soldiers cut off supply deliveries to the Confederacy during the Civil War, the South was not able to get paper from northern paper mills. So, Confederate papers were printed on the back of wallpaper peeled off of parlor walls
~Most teddy bears are manufactured with a neutral expression on their faces so that children can project their own emotions onto the stuffed creatures
~The flashes of colored light you see when you rub your eyes are called "phosphenes"
-This session of Random Trivia Tuesday brought to you by The Amazing Fact Generator
In other news, spending a few days at home. And of course, it takes one day for me to be blames for putting a virus on my mother's laptop
For goodness sake, people! I know I'm known for doing this, but I seriously didn't visit any other sites except QC, facebook, my email and a few blogs. What is her proof? Her computer wouldn't shut down fast enough, so she starts pushing all these buttons and freaking it out. I don't know what was wrong with it. I held down the power button, it turned itself off and she slapped my hand away, saying that that wasn't the way to shut it down
*rolls eyes* Yes. I know that's not the accepted way to shut down a computer, but when you've run out of options, that's what you gotta do. When she went upstairs, I turned the computer back on, let it sit for a few minutes and then turned it off the normal way.
Works fine
And you think I freak out over my computer...I mean, I do, but I think I'm starting to get a little desensitized to it. I think there are viruses running rampant in my poor PC, but it turns on, it lets me watch movies, it lets me get on AIM and check sites. I'm quite proud of it after all I've done to it
I had an exciting weekend. Saw Ben, went to the bar (had my first [and probably last] Irish Carbomb), watched some Zim and Alice in Wonderland, saw Drunken City 2 and 1/2 times (but missed Combating Shakespeare. Sad face), and then took a very much needed walk with Bridget and Mary Kate Sunday night. I had a bit of stuff on my mind, so I'm kinda glad I didn't get a lot of sleep Saturday night/Sunday morning because I passed right out after I got home from the walk - didn't even give myself time to mull. That was a good thing. Bad thing was that I spent the second unintentional night sleeping on a couch until 11am.
My brother and I also rented When In Rome, mainly because my brother likes Kristin Bell. For it being a RomCom, it was all right. I mean, I wasn't the biggest fan, but it did make me laugh quite a bit, so I've got to give them that. The lead guy's character was extremely accident prone, which I think they added in there to make the movie a little more unique (not that that worked wonders). It doesn't really come into play too much except to make the audience laugh.
It had a very surpringly interesting cast - all people I wasn't really expecting to see.
On a last note, I fucking HATE Kennedy from Season 7 Buffy. Joss said he wanted to find a girl for Willow that was completely opposite from Tara. Well, congrats, asshole, you found her and she's the most annoying and bratty piece of crap I've ever encountered
and she's not hot
That is all
Monday, June 21, 2010
You say, "Good morning" and "Good evening"
The day is done and you've come to find
The words are fleeting. I hear your quiet breathing
Is something wrong?
You come on two knees with more than two needs
Finding that it's all too easy
To be helped and found
You slept and he said
It is in you to carry on
Is is in you to lay down fears that hold
It is in you to find your way home
The daylight's come and the sun is blazing
New beginnings seep into you
But in the end it's distant shadows
That finally overwhelm your senses
And this time around
Is it love that you crown?
And this time around
You'll be more than who you are
It is in you to carry on
It is in you to lay down fears that hold
It is in you to find your way home
Could you find yourself a way home?
The day is done and you've come to find
The words are fleeting. I hear your quiet breathing
Is something wrong?
You come on two knees with more than two needs
Finding that it's all too easy
To be helped and found
You slept and he said
It is in you to carry on
Is is in you to lay down fears that hold
It is in you to find your way home
The daylight's come and the sun is blazing
New beginnings seep into you
But in the end it's distant shadows
That finally overwhelm your senses
And this time around
Is it love that you crown?
And this time around
You'll be more than who you are
It is in you to carry on
It is in you to lay down fears that hold
It is in you to find your way home
Could you find yourself a way home?
Friday, June 18, 2010
Day 30 - Best Animated Show
(Yes. I know. It was supposed to be Best Quote, but I refuse. I simply refuse)
Hands down. Best animated show ever. The only good thing MTV has done with its sad, sorry existence as a television channel.
Yeah, yeah. Don't give me that crap about how Archer or South Park are better. They're not. Daria is the best
Here. A random episode. Educate yourself
Thankfully, I saw Drunken City last night because that storm rolled in super fast
I've got to hand it to those actors, though. Ridiculously dark clouds were rolling in, half their audience got up to leave, the wind was blowing so hard it was rocking the scenery behind them, but they just kept on going until the tech guy told them they could stop.
So, Mandy, Emily and I got caught in the rain for a while. Perhaps it wasn't the best day to have product in my hair as it was dripping down my back. Sure, I smelled really good, but the minute I touched my hair to get it out of my eyes, my hands got all sticky and gross.
Now I look like a drowned rat
But, the rain is nice. Hopefully it cools everything down
It would seem that I am all done with my TV meme thing after today. It should feel odd that 30 days have passed, but it doesn't. A lot of people are counting down the days until school starts back up again and they see their friends. I'm not technically counting down to anything. This is kind of an eternal summer for me. Head back to Jackson in a few weeks, like the summer. Start working (maybe at the theater), like the summer. Endure my parents and brother, like the summer
And I get to do that all through fall and winter
This will be odd
Oh well
We all have to regress sometime, right?
That is all
EDIT TO ADD: So, you remember me telling you about those guys from Libya that live on the bottom floor of our apartment?
I was getting something out of my car and one of them (or one of their friends) was standing just inside the door of their porch area and catches me going back into the apartment complex.
I've already had many an awkward conversation with one of the guys that lives in the apartment. You can only say so much when neither one of you know the language the other speaks. I think he still thinks my name is Christina. That's fine. It's not a big deal or anything.
But anyway. Libya Guy's friend tells me to come inside with him. Now, I'm standing out in the rain barefoot, clad in a tank top and PJ pants, my hair now dried into a limp, curly mess. I am in no state to enter anyone's apartment. Not to mention, I don't know any of these guys - I don't speak their language and they can barely speak a lick of english. I hate awkward situations more than I can express. I tell him that I'm not dressed. He says he doesn't care and, instead, wants to open doors for me to come in. I tell him my roommate is upstairs waiting for me. He doesn't care - he wants me to come inside the apartment. I tell him I have friends upstairs. This finally satisfies him, but he still won't let me go upstairs without giving me a parting gift
A huge plate of food. Shish kabobs on a gigantic plateful of rice. I take it with as many "thank yous" as I can possibly manage. I feel bad for lying to him and were I a less awkward human being, I would have joined them, but an apartment full of people who would only smile and nod at me as I chattered nervously in a language they've only been exposed to for a month would make me uneasy
I'm so rude
But their food was really good. But now I have this huge plate of rice that I don't know what to do with. I'll fry something up to accompany it, I guess...or have Emily fry something up considering I'm really not good at frying anything except my hair and maybe the occasional egg
Hands down. Best animated show ever. The only good thing MTV has done with its sad, sorry existence as a television channel.
Yeah, yeah. Don't give me that crap about how Archer or South Park are better. They're not. Daria is the best
Here. A random episode. Educate yourself
Thankfully, I saw Drunken City last night because that storm rolled in super fast
I've got to hand it to those actors, though. Ridiculously dark clouds were rolling in, half their audience got up to leave, the wind was blowing so hard it was rocking the scenery behind them, but they just kept on going until the tech guy told them they could stop.
So, Mandy, Emily and I got caught in the rain for a while. Perhaps it wasn't the best day to have product in my hair as it was dripping down my back. Sure, I smelled really good, but the minute I touched my hair to get it out of my eyes, my hands got all sticky and gross.
Now I look like a drowned rat
But, the rain is nice. Hopefully it cools everything down
It would seem that I am all done with my TV meme thing after today. It should feel odd that 30 days have passed, but it doesn't. A lot of people are counting down the days until school starts back up again and they see their friends. I'm not technically counting down to anything. This is kind of an eternal summer for me. Head back to Jackson in a few weeks, like the summer. Start working (maybe at the theater), like the summer. Endure my parents and brother, like the summer
And I get to do that all through fall and winter
This will be odd
Oh well
We all have to regress sometime, right?
That is all
EDIT TO ADD: So, you remember me telling you about those guys from Libya that live on the bottom floor of our apartment?
I was getting something out of my car and one of them (or one of their friends) was standing just inside the door of their porch area and catches me going back into the apartment complex.
I've already had many an awkward conversation with one of the guys that lives in the apartment. You can only say so much when neither one of you know the language the other speaks. I think he still thinks my name is Christina. That's fine. It's not a big deal or anything.
But anyway. Libya Guy's friend tells me to come inside with him. Now, I'm standing out in the rain barefoot, clad in a tank top and PJ pants, my hair now dried into a limp, curly mess. I am in no state to enter anyone's apartment. Not to mention, I don't know any of these guys - I don't speak their language and they can barely speak a lick of english. I hate awkward situations more than I can express. I tell him that I'm not dressed. He says he doesn't care and, instead, wants to open doors for me to come in. I tell him my roommate is upstairs waiting for me. He doesn't care - he wants me to come inside the apartment. I tell him I have friends upstairs. This finally satisfies him, but he still won't let me go upstairs without giving me a parting gift
A huge plate of food. Shish kabobs on a gigantic plateful of rice. I take it with as many "thank yous" as I can possibly manage. I feel bad for lying to him and were I a less awkward human being, I would have joined them, but an apartment full of people who would only smile and nod at me as I chattered nervously in a language they've only been exposed to for a month would make me uneasy
I'm so rude
But their food was really good. But now I have this huge plate of rice that I don't know what to do with. I'll fry something up to accompany it, I guess...or have Emily fry something up considering I'm really not good at frying anything except my hair and maybe the occasional egg
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Day 29 - Saddest character death
Dr. Mark Green
I watched this episode on a rainy weekday during the summer
I was not expecting to cry as much as I did, but it hit me hard
R.I.P Mark Green
Okay, now. I spent literally an hour writing a post about friendship
I read it. Some of it is good. Some of it is really bad. Most of it is sentimental.
And I'll post it later when I've finally discovered what I'm trying to say.
In the meantime, feel free to read the article that started all of this sizzling in my brain: Ryan Smith posted this article to facebook, so some of you might have seen it.
I'm tired.
That is all
I watched this episode on a rainy weekday during the summer
I was not expecting to cry as much as I did, but it hit me hard
R.I.P Mark Green
Okay, now. I spent literally an hour writing a post about friendship
I read it. Some of it is good. Some of it is really bad. Most of it is sentimental.
And I'll post it later when I've finally discovered what I'm trying to say.
In the meantime, feel free to read the article that started all of this sizzling in my brain: Ryan Smith posted this article to facebook, so some of you might have seen it.
I'm tired.
That is all
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Day 28 - Current t.v show obsession
Emily and I have just recently gotten into watching Doctor Who regularly
The story of my interaction with Doctor Who is long and fraught with peril
Not really, but my mom and brother would always watch it and since I had this personal vendetta against most anything sci-fi (they would always watch the most terrifying alien stuff), whenever anything was sci-fi, I refused to watch it. I think my brother got very good at keeping me out of rooms. I would walk in and ask what they were watching. "Sci-fi stuff," and I'd walk right out
Well. Doctor Who classified as sci-fi. I was having none of that
Fast-forward to college. My aversion to sci-fi stuff could not withstand ROIAL. Firefly. Star Wars. Star Trek. Halo (it has aliens. it's sci-fi. fuck you). I was right back at home, but if I wanted to socialize, I had to deal
And I did
Then, there was Doctor Who. It was talked about constantly and one can only go so far nodding and smiling and having no idea what anyone is talking about. I was shown a few episodes that were quite interesting. And David Tennant is quite cute.
So, I watched all the specials at the very end of David Tennant's run as the Doctor. I watched him regenerate into Matt Smith!Doctor.
And here we are today
It's Awkward Family Photo Wednesday!

Have a very Awkward Wednesday!
-This post brought to you by Hitler and Awkward Family Photos
That is all
The story of my interaction with Doctor Who is long and fraught with peril
Not really, but my mom and brother would always watch it and since I had this personal vendetta against most anything sci-fi (they would always watch the most terrifying alien stuff), whenever anything was sci-fi, I refused to watch it. I think my brother got very good at keeping me out of rooms. I would walk in and ask what they were watching. "Sci-fi stuff," and I'd walk right out
Well. Doctor Who classified as sci-fi. I was having none of that
Fast-forward to college. My aversion to sci-fi stuff could not withstand ROIAL. Firefly. Star Wars. Star Trek. Halo (it has aliens. it's sci-fi. fuck you). I was right back at home, but if I wanted to socialize, I had to deal
And I did
Then, there was Doctor Who. It was talked about constantly and one can only go so far nodding and smiling and having no idea what anyone is talking about. I was shown a few episodes that were quite interesting. And David Tennant is quite cute.
So, I watched all the specials at the very end of David Tennant's run as the Doctor. I watched him regenerate into Matt Smith!Doctor.
And here we are today
It's Awkward Family Photo Wednesday!

Have a very Awkward Wednesday!
-This post brought to you by Hitler and Awkward Family Photos
That is all
Late night amusement
I knew a blogger who, quite long ago, took movie quotes and made them into mood icons of sorts
You know, each mood had a quote to go with it. I'd give you an example, but I think she got rid of them a few years ago. They were very clever and well-thought out
I told you that to tell you this
Matt Radick just put up the pictures he took from the play (and they look excellent!)
And upon going through them, looking at the expressions, I was struck with the thought that I could do the exact same thing as the blogger did
But instead of using movie quotes, I'd use the pictures
There are a few problems with this:
1) I wouldn't even know how to go about doing that. It can't be that hard, but I would need to screw around with it some (perhaps it can be a project)
2) After this whole TV meme thingy, I don't think I'll be posting daily. They might go to waste
3) There is absolutely no picture I could use for "Happy"
...unless I was "Deviously happy." In that case, I'd have all that I would need.
In all seriousness, the pictures turned out amazingly. Sadly, no pictures of Sean in his all-too-famous umbrella hat. Come to think of it, a supreme lack of Sean and Sully pictures altogether. I can mention it in the coming days, but for now, the gallery of pictures looks way cool
I'll leave you with this little gem:

This one would be "Forgetful"
Dammit! Where did I put my keys? Why can't I remember?
I love it
That is all
You know, each mood had a quote to go with it. I'd give you an example, but I think she got rid of them a few years ago. They were very clever and well-thought out
I told you that to tell you this
Matt Radick just put up the pictures he took from the play (and they look excellent!)
And upon going through them, looking at the expressions, I was struck with the thought that I could do the exact same thing as the blogger did
But instead of using movie quotes, I'd use the pictures
There are a few problems with this:
1) I wouldn't even know how to go about doing that. It can't be that hard, but I would need to screw around with it some (perhaps it can be a project)
2) After this whole TV meme thingy, I don't think I'll be posting daily. They might go to waste
3) There is absolutely no picture I could use for "Happy"
...unless I was "Deviously happy." In that case, I'd have all that I would need.
In all seriousness, the pictures turned out amazingly. Sadly, no pictures of Sean in his all-too-famous umbrella hat. Come to think of it, a supreme lack of Sean and Sully pictures altogether. I can mention it in the coming days, but for now, the gallery of pictures looks way cool
I'll leave you with this little gem:

This one would be "Forgetful"
Dammit! Where did I put my keys? Why can't I remember?
I love it
That is all
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Day 27 - First t.v show obsession
We're not counting childrens' shows. Kids have nothing better to do than to get addicted to Sesame Street
Unless you didn't have a TV as a kid. In that case, I am both terribly sorry and am wildly envious.
First TV obsession: ER
It was always on TNT in the mornings at 10am and 11am. I caught all of Seasons 7-12ish and then kinda tuned out of it, but those seasons were my one and only TV obsession for a while. All the seasons with George Clooney, I never really watched all the way through. I imagine he was a very attractive doctor, but those were never the first seasons I saw, though I hear they're the best
That's debatable
I refused to watch the last few seasons. I was going to shoot the writers towards the end of the series because of the kind of shit I heard they were putting Abby and Luka through. They couldn't get a single ounce of peace to themselves. It was hard to hear about
I ADORE Noah Wyle.
Goran Visnjic is all kinds of wonderful Croatian.
I did tune in for the last few episodes of the series, though. All the old people were coming back. It was nice to see Carter and Susan and Doug.
You know what? Shut the hell up. I loved this show and I'm not shamed to say it.
Today is Random Trivia Tuesday
*sparse applause*
~In Detroit, Michigan, it is a crime to sell used confetti
~The Pickle is a movie about a director trying to launch his new movie about a flying pickle. Starring Little Richard and Donald Trump
~The proper name for otter dung is "spraints"
~Seriozha Grishin was a gifted Ukrainian who was able to play the piano by the age of one
~In Africa, it is still illegal for bantu hunters to laugh at an elephant's butt after trapping it
-This session of Random Trivia Tuesday brought to you by Balderdash, the game for good liars
A friend of mine who is obsessed with Lady Gaga posted something on her wall about the meaning of her latest video "Alejandro." Why people spend a ton of time trying to come up with meanings for videos is beyond me, but I supposed with Lady Gaga, she gives you a lot to work with so the endeavor is never totally without satisfaction.
I just really like the song.
I didn't know it was about the occult
I didn't know Alejandro was God, Fernando was Jesus, and Roberto was the Holy Ghost.
Damn. That song makes so much sense now. I can't believe I didn't see it before.
(I'm gonna feel kinda bad if that's really what she was getting at)
I don't want to talk about this much longer. If you're terribly curious as to how Lady Gaga is referencing the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Illuminati, the Trinity, and Satanism in her video, feel free to read this
And if you're not, don't.
In other news, Mystery Diagnosis was creepy last night. The first one was about a kid whose antibodies were attacking his brain instead of the strep bacteria that he had. I mean, he simply got strep - didn't even feel a sore throat - and his stupid body starts attacking parts of his brain.
First, he refuses to sleep in his bed. He'll sleep anywhere except his bed (he says this is because the comforter had bright yellow lines on it that made him feel anxious). Then, he insists that every light in the house be on at all time. After that, he starts walking funny - either marching, or hopping or crouching down low and moving his legs in an odd pattern. Following that, his hands are constantly strained as if he were tugging on something, his hands are always over his ears and he constantly rocks back and forth. Then he starts whispering to himself, things like "Nothing is nothing is nothing is nothing."
The final straw for his mother is when he came shuffling downstairs, didn't say a word and merely handed her a crumpled up piece of paper that had the word HELP written in huge letters
I find it purely terrifying that the mind can do that to you. It wasn't a psychological thing. It was purely medical. And all from a strep infection. My Lord, I used to get strep all the time and this didn't happen to me.
I hate the human body
That is all
Unless you didn't have a TV as a kid. In that case, I am both terribly sorry and am wildly envious.
First TV obsession: ER
It was always on TNT in the mornings at 10am and 11am. I caught all of Seasons 7-12ish and then kinda tuned out of it, but those seasons were my one and only TV obsession for a while. All the seasons with George Clooney, I never really watched all the way through. I imagine he was a very attractive doctor, but those were never the first seasons I saw, though I hear they're the best
That's debatable
I refused to watch the last few seasons. I was going to shoot the writers towards the end of the series because of the kind of shit I heard they were putting Abby and Luka through. They couldn't get a single ounce of peace to themselves. It was hard to hear about
I ADORE Noah Wyle.
Goran Visnjic is all kinds of wonderful Croatian.
I did tune in for the last few episodes of the series, though. All the old people were coming back. It was nice to see Carter and Susan and Doug.
You know what? Shut the hell up. I loved this show and I'm not shamed to say it.
Today is Random Trivia Tuesday
*sparse applause*
~In Detroit, Michigan, it is a crime to sell used confetti
~The Pickle is a movie about a director trying to launch his new movie about a flying pickle. Starring Little Richard and Donald Trump
~The proper name for otter dung is "spraints"
~Seriozha Grishin was a gifted Ukrainian who was able to play the piano by the age of one
~In Africa, it is still illegal for bantu hunters to laugh at an elephant's butt after trapping it
-This session of Random Trivia Tuesday brought to you by Balderdash, the game for good liars
A friend of mine who is obsessed with Lady Gaga posted something on her wall about the meaning of her latest video "Alejandro." Why people spend a ton of time trying to come up with meanings for videos is beyond me, but I supposed with Lady Gaga, she gives you a lot to work with so the endeavor is never totally without satisfaction.
I just really like the song.
I didn't know it was about the occult
I didn't know Alejandro was God, Fernando was Jesus, and Roberto was the Holy Ghost.
Damn. That song makes so much sense now. I can't believe I didn't see it before.
(I'm gonna feel kinda bad if that's really what she was getting at)
I don't want to talk about this much longer. If you're terribly curious as to how Lady Gaga is referencing the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Illuminati, the Trinity, and Satanism in her video, feel free to read this
And if you're not, don't.
In other news, Mystery Diagnosis was creepy last night. The first one was about a kid whose antibodies were attacking his brain instead of the strep bacteria that he had. I mean, he simply got strep - didn't even feel a sore throat - and his stupid body starts attacking parts of his brain.
First, he refuses to sleep in his bed. He'll sleep anywhere except his bed (he says this is because the comforter had bright yellow lines on it that made him feel anxious). Then, he insists that every light in the house be on at all time. After that, he starts walking funny - either marching, or hopping or crouching down low and moving his legs in an odd pattern. Following that, his hands are constantly strained as if he were tugging on something, his hands are always over his ears and he constantly rocks back and forth. Then he starts whispering to himself, things like "Nothing is nothing is nothing is nothing."
The final straw for his mother is when he came shuffling downstairs, didn't say a word and merely handed her a crumpled up piece of paper that had the word HELP written in huge letters
I find it purely terrifying that the mind can do that to you. It wasn't a psychological thing. It was purely medical. And all from a strep infection. My Lord, I used to get strep all the time and this didn't happen to me.
I hate the human body
That is all
Monday, June 14, 2010
Day 26 - Best pilot episode

The rest of Joss Whedon's pilot episodes for his other shows never quite started out well, but Firefly started out amazingly. Just kinda threw you into the mix and gave you a great idea about the adventures to come
Too bad there were only, like, 13 episodes or something like that
Here I am, 9am, waiting to take a shower so that I can apply for a job here in good ol' Jackson.
I feel like I'm giving up...
But really, I'm a fighting machine that specializes in sucking up its pride and rolling with the punches
Spent the night with the Bridget. Yay!!! Took a walk around the neighborhood for a few hours, which was good - we walked off enough so that there was room for the Taco Bell later. We are so healthy.
As always, we both agreed that we know everything about everything and it would be useful if the government would just hand over power to us. She can take all the business stuff. I'll make sure no more Rocky movies are made. Ever again
Ours will be a great land
You excited?
In other news, I woke up yesterday morning at about 7am (I think someone texted me. Why someone would be texting ANYONE at 7 in the morning is so beyond me) and literally could not walk. The pain in my quads was unbearable. I unwillingly stretched, endured the resulting pain, and then went back to sleep. Whatever I did helped. In the afternoon they were merely achy, so all is well now.
The worst thing about coming home is that I'm going to have to endure Fox News being on at all hours of the day. Maybe if I take a really late night shift, I can sleep during the day and work during the night and I'll never have to watch it
I think it's good to note something: I am not a liberal. I'm not technically conservative either, but I don't dress to the left, if you get my meaning. The reason I am always down on Fox News (not that anyone cares because everyone I know hates Fox News) is for the mere fact that I would hate ANY news program on television if it was on every damn second of the day. I don't appreciate a lot of the programs on that channel. The people are sometimes less than human in their approach to life, but then again, so are some of the liberal news casters and commentators. I'm not casting stones at one side or the other. They both fucking suck, it's just that Fox News is constantly on at my house. Never ending. It's either I'm watching news or I'm forced to sit in the living room with my brother as he plays yet another RPG that's "new" but looks like it's from the 1980s
And no one plays the Wii
They should have gotten an Xbox
That is all
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Day 25 - OMG WTF? Season finale
Bones, Season 4 finale
It wasn't a blow-your-mind kind of finale. In fact, it was "OMG WTF" in the way that it DIDN'T blow my mind. An entire season building up to what could have been a fantastic season finale, but it just sucked ass
I wrote a post about it on my blog a while back. You wanna hear me complain about Bones, well, here you are
Yesterday was PRIDE
When Michaela called to tell me this, I thought this would be a parade of sorts - maybe a gathering of people to mingle and hang out in Old Town. What the hey, right? Why not go out and mingle. So I went with her.
Instead, it was bar-hopping and dancing at Spiral with majority of Lansing's gay community.
Needless to say, it was SO MUCH DAMN FUN.
I had never been to Spiral, though I had always wanted to go. So, when it was suggested, we jumped at the chance. By about 10, the place was so crowded. Many a hot men dancing on the bar. Fantastic drag numbers. And more dancing than my poor hamstrings could take. At about 12:30, we went outside to get a breather, took at look at each other and decided to head home, exhausted but very happy
I can barely walk this morning
It was worth it
My family came up yesterday before the crazy whirligig of fun. They sat in my apartment for a while as my dad diagnosed the lady on the TV from "Mystery Diagnosis." She had some sort of disease where her white blood cells eat away at her flesh, so it looks like a flesh-eating bacteria. After that, we went out to P.F Changs for Andy's birthday and ate A LOT of food. Now I have leftovers. w00t!
Flesh-eating diseases, Chinese food, a Buffy marathon, and gay club dancing
It was a damn good Saturday
That is all
It wasn't a blow-your-mind kind of finale. In fact, it was "OMG WTF" in the way that it DIDN'T blow my mind. An entire season building up to what could have been a fantastic season finale, but it just sucked ass
I wrote a post about it on my blog a while back. You wanna hear me complain about Bones, well, here you are
Yesterday was PRIDE
When Michaela called to tell me this, I thought this would be a parade of sorts - maybe a gathering of people to mingle and hang out in Old Town. What the hey, right? Why not go out and mingle. So I went with her.
Instead, it was bar-hopping and dancing at Spiral with majority of Lansing's gay community.
Needless to say, it was SO MUCH DAMN FUN.
I had never been to Spiral, though I had always wanted to go. So, when it was suggested, we jumped at the chance. By about 10, the place was so crowded. Many a hot men dancing on the bar. Fantastic drag numbers. And more dancing than my poor hamstrings could take. At about 12:30, we went outside to get a breather, took at look at each other and decided to head home, exhausted but very happy
I can barely walk this morning
It was worth it
My family came up yesterday before the crazy whirligig of fun. They sat in my apartment for a while as my dad diagnosed the lady on the TV from "Mystery Diagnosis." She had some sort of disease where her white blood cells eat away at her flesh, so it looks like a flesh-eating bacteria. After that, we went out to P.F Changs for Andy's birthday and ate A LOT of food. Now I have leftovers. w00t!
Flesh-eating diseases, Chinese food, a Buffy marathon, and gay club dancing
It was a damn good Saturday
That is all
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Day 24 - A show you plan on watching (old or new)
Today was supposed to be "Best quote"
and I have NO idea how I'm going to do that. Quotes are my life. They're like children to me. I can't pick a favorite. So, I've decided to hold off on that one until I'm ready...and that day might never come
So. The show I plan on watching
Well, I'd say Big Love or Weeds, but me and Emily already started watching those, so perhaps they doesn't count
You know what? I really plan on sitting down one of these days and watching Friends from start to finish. I know everyone has seen episodes of Friends, but I feel it still fits the bill for a show I plan on watching. Christine had a bunch of the seasons, but she moved away where we can't get to her. And reruns on the TV just don't cut it
Nope. Just gonna have to rent it, season by season
Or hit up surfthechannel. Whatever is easier
I so very rarely have insomnia. I mean, I do stay up past 5am sometimes (more often this last semester than in my entire life), but that's always because I'm chatting with someone on the computer or I'm doing something that is keeping me occupied. It is rare that I try to go to sleep and simply can't
Tonight is one of those nights.
At 1am, I was quite exhausted. But I had to go in my room and start watching a movie I hadn't seen in while. Usually I fall asleep to movies, but for some reason, the one I was watching captivated me enough to keep me awake.
And then I was doomed.
4:45am and I'm WIDE awake.
In other news (yet on a related note [I seem to be doing this a lot]), if you were to look in my computer files at the movies that I've collected onto my hard drive over the past few years, you would think I was very strange.
I have the oddest array of movies - none of them favorites of mine - that I know I never downloaded myself. I just got them from other people. Here is my list:
Truly Madly Deeply
Run Lola Run
Capturing the Friedmans
The Accidental Husband
Rachel Getting Married
My Best Friends Girl
The History of the Devil
I'm sure I probably got most of them from someone, but I can't recall why. With the exception of Truly Madly Deeply and HotD, I have no overwhelming interest in most of these. They have their value as movies go, but in my opinion, certainly not the best of the best
But they're there, on my computer. Most often, I forget what some of them are about (Like My Best Friends Girl and The Accidental Husband) and some of them I wish I could forget (Like Capturing the Friedmans or Run Lola Run), but they all have their stories. I will tell you one now
Run Lola Run
is a very good movie in both technical and narrative ways. It has a good concept and is shot methodically. You may disagree, but you would be disagreeing with JFay and JWray, and that's not cool.
The reason I want to forget that this movie EVER existed is because I did a film report on it; had to break a three minute scene down, shot by shot
Do you know many fucking shots were in that fucking three minute scene? Way way over a hundred
And all the while, there was the same techno music playing over and over and over again.
Every time I see the title of this movie, all I hear in my brain is "Shot/reverse shot - shot/reverse shot - shot/reverse shot - pan left - right - shot/reverse shot" over that damn techno music
Of course, that wonderful shot breakdown was accompanied by a scene analysis and a 10 page paper. Needless to say, Run Lola Run - as good a movie as it is - was ruined for me forever
On a completely unrelated note, my brother turned 24 yesterday (still feels like today, but his birthday is on the 11th). Getting older. I mean, the kid's not a dinosaur by any means, but I remember being a freshman in high school and thinking the seniors were SO OLD. I look at my brother and all I see is the same Andy I've known all my life. I don't see a 24 year old person. It's all a little unreal to me
Then again, I'll be 22 in little less than a month
I look at that number and it makes me sick to my stomach
I wish I still had Tylenol PM pills left. I could drug myself to sleep
That is all
and I have NO idea how I'm going to do that. Quotes are my life. They're like children to me. I can't pick a favorite. So, I've decided to hold off on that one until I'm ready...and that day might never come
So. The show I plan on watching
Well, I'd say Big Love or Weeds, but me and Emily already started watching those, so perhaps they doesn't count
You know what? I really plan on sitting down one of these days and watching Friends from start to finish. I know everyone has seen episodes of Friends, but I feel it still fits the bill for a show I plan on watching. Christine had a bunch of the seasons, but she moved away where we can't get to her. And reruns on the TV just don't cut it
Nope. Just gonna have to rent it, season by season
Or hit up surfthechannel. Whatever is easier
I so very rarely have insomnia. I mean, I do stay up past 5am sometimes (more often this last semester than in my entire life), but that's always because I'm chatting with someone on the computer or I'm doing something that is keeping me occupied. It is rare that I try to go to sleep and simply can't
Tonight is one of those nights.
At 1am, I was quite exhausted. But I had to go in my room and start watching a movie I hadn't seen in while. Usually I fall asleep to movies, but for some reason, the one I was watching captivated me enough to keep me awake.
And then I was doomed.
4:45am and I'm WIDE awake.
In other news (yet on a related note [I seem to be doing this a lot]), if you were to look in my computer files at the movies that I've collected onto my hard drive over the past few years, you would think I was very strange.
I have the oddest array of movies - none of them favorites of mine - that I know I never downloaded myself. I just got them from other people. Here is my list:
Truly Madly Deeply
Run Lola Run
Capturing the Friedmans
The Accidental Husband
Rachel Getting Married
My Best Friends Girl
The History of the Devil
I'm sure I probably got most of them from someone, but I can't recall why. With the exception of Truly Madly Deeply and HotD, I have no overwhelming interest in most of these. They have their value as movies go, but in my opinion, certainly not the best of the best
But they're there, on my computer. Most often, I forget what some of them are about (Like My Best Friends Girl and The Accidental Husband) and some of them I wish I could forget (Like Capturing the Friedmans or Run Lola Run), but they all have their stories. I will tell you one now
Run Lola Run
is a very good movie in both technical and narrative ways. It has a good concept and is shot methodically. You may disagree, but you would be disagreeing with JFay and JWray, and that's not cool.
The reason I want to forget that this movie EVER existed is because I did a film report on it; had to break a three minute scene down, shot by shot
Do you know many fucking shots were in that fucking three minute scene? Way way over a hundred
And all the while, there was the same techno music playing over and over and over again.
Every time I see the title of this movie, all I hear in my brain is "Shot/reverse shot - shot/reverse shot - shot/reverse shot - pan left - right - shot/reverse shot" over that damn techno music
Of course, that wonderful shot breakdown was accompanied by a scene analysis and a 10 page paper. Needless to say, Run Lola Run - as good a movie as it is - was ruined for me forever
On a completely unrelated note, my brother turned 24 yesterday (still feels like today, but his birthday is on the 11th). Getting older. I mean, the kid's not a dinosaur by any means, but I remember being a freshman in high school and thinking the seniors were SO OLD. I look at my brother and all I see is the same Andy I've known all my life. I don't see a 24 year old person. It's all a little unreal to me
Then again, I'll be 22 in little less than a month
I look at that number and it makes me sick to my stomach
I wish I still had Tylenol PM pills left. I could drug myself to sleep
That is all
Friday, June 11, 2010
Day 23 - Most annoying character

Dr. Romano
I will never forgive this man for being so damn rude, annoying, intrusive, and mean. I think the series occasionally tried to redeem him with little moment - falling in love with Elizabeth - but I was having none of that. He's a little pig and I hated him.
I was so happy when he got his arm cut off, except that it made him WAY more grumpy and annoying
Fitting, though, that he was squished by a plane.
I now have my very own copy of The History of the Devil
Now it's time to come up with a drinking game for it...or you know, I could just enjoy it, I guess, but where's the fun in that?
Got to see Blithe Spirit last night. Of course, first and foremost, Rachel was a sexy ghost. I loved her, as always
I really enjoyed the show. As always, the set was beautiful, especially for it being outside theatre, but you know the Theater Department - they go all out. And it was a funny show. A ghost of a dead wife come back to haunt the husband and the new wife can't see her. Hilarity ensues. I will admit that there were times in that show that I thought it could have ended, but didn't. It did go on and on for a bit (unnecessarily, you might say), but everyone was wonderful and I was captivated by their performances. The lead guy (Thomas somethingorother) was also quite good. I'm sure I've seen him in other things, but I can't recall what.
Jenn Schafer was hilarious
I'm SUPER EXCITED to see Alice in Wonderland in a few weeks.
In other news (but semi-related), the MSU Food Co-op provided all-natural bug spray for the show last night. When Sasha sprayed it on herself, I thought it smelled quite good...but that's because she sprayed it moderation. A couple behind me were using it like it was going out of style. I was treated to a cloud of all-natural, lemony smelling bug spray that WOULD kill a mosquito at 20 paces
I'm still recovering
It was a beautiful night last night
That is all
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 22 - Favorite series finale
I really haven't gone through many series finales. A lot of my shows are still going
Angel series finale was quite fitting and I actually got to watch it on television
Video is not the best, but I couldn't find what I was looking for online. That sums up most of Season 5, I guess
Though I really disliked three out of the five seasons of Angel, I watched them all. This finale pissed a lot of people off, especially with the way it ended. Wesley dead. Fred still a blue demon. Lindsey killed. Angel, Spike, Illyria, and Gun surrounded by MASSES of demons and shit - probably going to die.
Buffy got through her apocalypse. Something tells me Angel didn't
I guess I could just read the comic books (Angel, Season 6) if I was curious
Speaking of television, I've made a small observation that perhaps is not much of a revelation. I just found it kinda odd
Flipping through the channels last night, I noticed that majority of the shows either have to do with mental illness/addiction or pregnancy.
I cannot go three channels without seeing "16 and Pregnant" or "Teen Mom" or "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" or "A Baby Story" or "Dad Camp"
And I can't go five channels with seeing "Hoarders" or "Addicted" or "Intervention" or "The OCD Project"
AND sometimes, I run into "I'm Pregnant and Addicted" or "Pregnant and Bipolar"
Was it always like this? I mean, once upon a time, MTV played music videos majority of the time, not shows about girls that forgot to tell their skeezy boyfriends to wear a condom. The Discovery Health channel usually had on "Untold Stories of the ER" or "Mystery Diagnosis." But, during the day, you'd be hard pressed to see anything BUT pregnancy shows
Now, I don't so much mind all the mental illness/addiction shows, but that's just because it interests me. If I were interested in pregnancy, the TV would be a fountain of great knowledge and entertainment. But I'm not. It creeps me the hell out.
In other news (but kinda related), needles creep me out, especially after my not-so-enjoyable time giving blood. And I know a good portion of people don't enjoy needles. So WHY and HOW do people get addicted to shooting up?
Watching "Addicted" last night was ridiculously painful. This couple spent all their days in a motel, just shooting each other up. And this poor girl looked like a hot mess. Crying before the drugs, during the drugs, after the drugs, if she didn't have money for the drugs, and even when she had the money, she kept crying. Not to mention the fact that her neck and arms looked like a whole swarm of hornets had attacked her. Everything was swollen and poked through and bleeding
Three months after rehab, she looked AMAZING. I just feel kinda bad for the two of them, because if they stay together and one of them slips up, the other is going down, too.
Bring back my 50 degree nights
That is all
Angel series finale was quite fitting and I actually got to watch it on television
Video is not the best, but I couldn't find what I was looking for online. That sums up most of Season 5, I guess
Though I really disliked three out of the five seasons of Angel, I watched them all. This finale pissed a lot of people off, especially with the way it ended. Wesley dead. Fred still a blue demon. Lindsey killed. Angel, Spike, Illyria, and Gun surrounded by MASSES of demons and shit - probably going to die.
Buffy got through her apocalypse. Something tells me Angel didn't
I guess I could just read the comic books (Angel, Season 6) if I was curious
Speaking of television, I've made a small observation that perhaps is not much of a revelation. I just found it kinda odd
Flipping through the channels last night, I noticed that majority of the shows either have to do with mental illness/addiction or pregnancy.
I cannot go three channels without seeing "16 and Pregnant" or "Teen Mom" or "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" or "A Baby Story" or "Dad Camp"
And I can't go five channels with seeing "Hoarders" or "Addicted" or "Intervention" or "The OCD Project"
AND sometimes, I run into "I'm Pregnant and Addicted" or "Pregnant and Bipolar"
Was it always like this? I mean, once upon a time, MTV played music videos majority of the time, not shows about girls that forgot to tell their skeezy boyfriends to wear a condom. The Discovery Health channel usually had on "Untold Stories of the ER" or "Mystery Diagnosis." But, during the day, you'd be hard pressed to see anything BUT pregnancy shows
Now, I don't so much mind all the mental illness/addiction shows, but that's just because it interests me. If I were interested in pregnancy, the TV would be a fountain of great knowledge and entertainment. But I'm not. It creeps me the hell out.
In other news (but kinda related), needles creep me out, especially after my not-so-enjoyable time giving blood. And I know a good portion of people don't enjoy needles. So WHY and HOW do people get addicted to shooting up?
Watching "Addicted" last night was ridiculously painful. This couple spent all their days in a motel, just shooting each other up. And this poor girl looked like a hot mess. Crying before the drugs, during the drugs, after the drugs, if she didn't have money for the drugs, and even when she had the money, she kept crying. Not to mention the fact that her neck and arms looked like a whole swarm of hornets had attacked her. Everything was swollen and poked through and bleeding
Three months after rehab, she looked AMAZING. I just feel kinda bad for the two of them, because if they stay together and one of them slips up, the other is going down, too.
Bring back my 50 degree nights
That is all
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Day 21- Best kiss
Jack/John from Torchwood
I'll let the video speak for itself (the kiss starts around 1:10)
Kiss and then they beat the shit out of each other
Even though I don't watch this show, I appreciate this kiss above all others
I love to say "Normandy"
It's just such a satisfying word to say
This is quite cool. I want to go to there
I have nothing else to say
I'll let the video speak for itself (the kiss starts around 1:10)
Kiss and then they beat the shit out of each other
Even though I don't watch this show, I appreciate this kiss above all others
I love to say "Normandy"
It's just such a satisfying word to say
This is quite cool. I want to go to there
I have nothing else to say
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Day 20 - Favorite couple
Forgive me. I'm going to turn into mush
There are so many great great couples out there, but my heart is ALWAYS going to be with these two.
Carrying on the girl kick today...
Emily Hanna sent me a link to a webcomic someone is doing on deviantart. It centers around Christine Daaé and Sarah from Labyrinth, along with their neighbors, Eric (the Phantom)and Jareth. Add in a bunch of ridiculously funny cross-over cameos from different books, movies, and plays.
I enjoy it quite a bit
But, that could just be me
In other news, in our apartment building live a group of guys. Their apartment is on the bottom floor, furthest to the back, so they have a porch. For the longest time, I would just hear really loud, foreign chattering coming from their apartment and I was very curious as to what language they were speaking in.
Lately, one of the guys has been outside (or comes outside) when I'm getting a bit of air or having a cigarette. I finally know where they're from and why their apartment always smells like the most interesting mix of spices
Libya. They're from Libya
And he speaks very simple english, which makes our constant "conversations" kinda awkward, but he's very smiley and kind, so I don't mind as much
I do want some of their food, though
That is all
Forgive me. I'm going to turn into mush
There are so many great great couples out there, but my heart is ALWAYS going to be with these two.
Carrying on the girl kick today...
Emily Hanna sent me a link to a webcomic someone is doing on deviantart. It centers around Christine Daaé and Sarah from Labyrinth, along with their neighbors, Eric (the Phantom)and Jareth. Add in a bunch of ridiculously funny cross-over cameos from different books, movies, and plays.
I enjoy it quite a bit
But, that could just be me
In other news, in our apartment building live a group of guys. Their apartment is on the bottom floor, furthest to the back, so they have a porch. For the longest time, I would just hear really loud, foreign chattering coming from their apartment and I was very curious as to what language they were speaking in.
Lately, one of the guys has been outside (or comes outside) when I'm getting a bit of air or having a cigarette. I finally know where they're from and why their apartment always smells like the most interesting mix of spices
Libya. They're from Libya
And he speaks very simple english, which makes our constant "conversations" kinda awkward, but he's very smiley and kind, so I don't mind as much
I do want some of their food, though
That is all
Day 19 - Best t.v show cast

I think 30 Rock probably has the best cast
I mean, c'mon. Tina Fey. Alec Baldwin. Tracy Morgan
Jack McBrayer
Oh, how I love thee, Kenneth
Sorry this is a day late-ish, although considering I haven't slept yet, it still kinda feels like Monday. I meant to do this post before I went to Stauff's but Blogger was doing something weird and wouldn't let me sign in. Oh well
Stauff's was a fun success. It was comfy and relatively quiet (considering Sasha and I were in the attic most of the time watching Arrested Development and playing Euchre with Stephen Stauffer and his friend, Rick). It was a conveniently located house as it was right across the street from a Little Caesars and a liquor store (not that I drank anything). Played some Left4Dead 2. Ate some cookie dough, courtesy of the lovely Haley. Visited with people.
And it was an absolutely gorgeous night. I got to wear the new "Como se llama" sweatshirt due to the chill in the air. Love love love
Then I did a stupid thing and drove home at six in the morning, but I hate sleeping at other people's houses when I could just as easily keep myself awake for another hour, drive home and sleep in my own damn bed
Which is what I'm going to do.
I'll do the other post later on in the day
That is all
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence
Big Bang Theory
It's catchy. It's short. It's fun to watch
A close second would be Lost, I think (even if I don't watch it). It's just the word "LOST" - quick, easy, and simple. My goal in these is for you to either entertain me or get me to my damn show already!
A work-out with a sledgehammer.
This shouldn't be as odd to me as it is.
When Sean called and said he needed to go to Meijer to get a sledgehammer, I didn't hesitate. I figured it was for another project. Yes, a sledgehammer is serious business and I didn't expect he'd be knocking down walls or anything like that, but maybe there was new game with smashing cans or something like that
Hey. Gimme a break. Exercise was not the first conclusion I jumped to
But, it's real. This thing called Shovelglove (or something like that) is this whole exercise cult following thing.
So, apparently, this is what Sean is going to do to stay fit
Odd, but it does seem to suit him, personality wise
In other news, I really enjoyed the storm that we had last night. I imagine that others were not so happy about it as there were tornadoes in some parts of Michigan, but in East Lansing, the worst we had to weather was a brief power outage (brief meaning 2 seconds)
Stauff's thing is tomorrow, which is kind of exciting. Going out of the apartment yesterday was crazy amounts of fun (for I was not bored for the first time in a week), so I'm guessing Stauff's will a crazy whirligig of fun
I get to see Haley, whom I've grown very very fond of despite not seeing or talking or interacting in any way with her at all. She's always just so cheerful and enthusiastic and red-headed. She's fun.
The clouds are parting and there's still the scent of rain in the air.
I love when it's 64 degrees
That is all
It's catchy. It's short. It's fun to watch
A close second would be Lost, I think (even if I don't watch it). It's just the word "LOST" - quick, easy, and simple. My goal in these is for you to either entertain me or get me to my damn show already!
A work-out with a sledgehammer.
This shouldn't be as odd to me as it is.
When Sean called and said he needed to go to Meijer to get a sledgehammer, I didn't hesitate. I figured it was for another project. Yes, a sledgehammer is serious business and I didn't expect he'd be knocking down walls or anything like that, but maybe there was new game with smashing cans or something like that
Hey. Gimme a break. Exercise was not the first conclusion I jumped to
But, it's real. This thing called Shovelglove (or something like that) is this whole exercise cult following thing.
So, apparently, this is what Sean is going to do to stay fit
Odd, but it does seem to suit him, personality wise
In other news, I really enjoyed the storm that we had last night. I imagine that others were not so happy about it as there were tornadoes in some parts of Michigan, but in East Lansing, the worst we had to weather was a brief power outage (brief meaning 2 seconds)
Stauff's thing is tomorrow, which is kind of exciting. Going out of the apartment yesterday was crazy amounts of fun (for I was not bored for the first time in a week), so I'm guessing Stauff's will a crazy whirligig of fun
I get to see Haley, whom I've grown very very fond of despite not seeing or talking or interacting in any way with her at all. She's always just so cheerful and enthusiastic and red-headed. She's fun.
The clouds are parting and there's still the scent of rain in the air.
I love when it's 64 degrees
That is all
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Day 17 - Favorite mini series

The BBC's Pride and Prejudice
Because it is, in fact, a miniseries and not a movie
My mom would always watch this. If it was on the TV, it was more than likely that she was have a very good day and it was going to be a very lazy day. Pajama Day at the Korytowskys!
Yes. I'm a girl. And while I'm not an avid Jane Austen reader (as I am not a big fan), I do quite like Pride and Prejudice. Shoot me.
Colin Firth is hot
The rest of this was going to be a rant about big pet peeves
But I read it over and it sounded so completely pathetic that even I couldn't let it go on.
Suffice to say, if you give me hope that we're going to hang out, please have the courtesy to call or text when you don't want to. Just kinda leaving me hanging alone in the apartment, waiting around for your damn call, is kinda mean.
This has happened way more than once. And while during the semester, it's easy to shluff off because I can always find something better to do, it's really hard to handle during the summer when I rarely get out of my apartment. That is not your fault, I know. It's mine. But it literally takes you two seconds to text back, "Hey. Hanging out with someone else." Believe me. I will not be offended. I'll be thankful that you at least fucking got back to me
And, yes. I know. I have all the skills in the world to text or call you instead of you getting back to me. But, remember. I am one insecure son of a bitch and figure, if you're not calling, it's probably because you didn't want to see me. Therefore, trying to get in contact with you would make me seem needy and desperate, and while I'm feeling those two things in great quantities, I would prefer not to show it
Get back to me. That's pretty much it. One simple, "Not tonight" will do fine.
But perhaps the not answering is really all the answer I need, huh?
Conclusion: I need to move back to Jackson. There lies jobs, Bridget, and a Playstation.
Sorry, you few that read this. I'm in a bad mood. As you could probably tell, I didn't have the best night
It was made so much better when Emily and I realized that going on a beach holiday this weekend was pretty much shot because of the rain that we're supposed to get.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find a way to cheer up. It's just the beginning of the day. This is a tad bit ridiculous
Friday, June 4, 2010
Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show
Dancing With the Stars
Yes. I know. Laugh it up, kids.
But when you see Derek Hough dance, it's all over. The end of life as you know it.
Here are some other good ones
What can I say? Hot men dancing in tailored pants and GREAT shoes. It's all I could ask for
The wife suggested I do a Links!Friday - for all my stumble finds.
This is perhaps because she hears me uproariously laughing in my room and often doesn't know why. Sometimes it's what I find on stumbleupon. Other times, I'm just going crazy
Would someone like to explain what The Meat Holiday is?
I think Bridget would appreciate this
Probably one of the funniest things I've read in a very long time
And last but not least:
That's one useful kitty to have
That is all
Yes. I know. Laugh it up, kids.
But when you see Derek Hough dance, it's all over. The end of life as you know it.
Here are some other good ones
What can I say? Hot men dancing in tailored pants and GREAT shoes. It's all I could ask for
The wife suggested I do a Links!Friday - for all my stumble finds.
This is perhaps because she hears me uproariously laughing in my room and often doesn't know why. Sometimes it's what I find on stumbleupon. Other times, I'm just going crazy
Would someone like to explain what The Meat Holiday is?
I think Bridget would appreciate this
Probably one of the funniest things I've read in a very long time
And last but not least:
That's one useful kitty to have
That is all
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Day 15 - Favorite female character

We got my girl, Kaylee, here from "Firefly." What to say about Kaylee? She's a sweetie and talks innocent, but she surprises the hell out of you in so many ways. The captain loves her and she loves her captain. The relationships between her and Simon is always fun (considering he's one of my favs). There is nothing that I don't love about this lady here.
Close second: Amy Pond

She's the best person for the Doctor (or at least the newly regenerated Doctor). Snarky, clever, but wildly stupid sometimes. She's sassy. Got moxie. I like her
At 3:30 last night, I was woken up by an absolutely terrifying crash. I thought it came from inside the apartment. *gasp* The Loverly Roommate might be hurt.
Then, I heard yelling from outside (though it sounded like it was in my room). Lots and lots of yelling. Of the male variety
Then, more smashing. Glass breaking. I thought he had thrown a beer bottle or something
Nope. He kicked in windows. Not one window ("Oops. I was mad and didn't know my own strength"), but three.
Real macho, buddy.
I would have yelled down at him to shut up, but in my sleep stupor, I was mighty afraid the guy was going to come up to my room and kick my ass...seeing as he couldn't get his hands on the person he was yelling at over the phone, I imagine he wanted to smash somebody's skull. Of the female variety
Emily said that she caught a bit more of the conversation. Something like, "I put my life on hold for you for two months and this is how you treat me."
Well. Yes. This is how I treat you...after you smash in three windows and wake up an entire apartment complex with your douche bag yelling and your douche bag outfit (all white...might have had a sweater tied around his shoulders. couldn't quite see. was trying to sleep) and your douche bag self
Please feel free to never EVER call me again and yell at me for a solid hour about how pathetic you are and I'll feel free never to be this pathetic ever again.
I'm hanging up
You're an asshole
Goodness gracious. If someone started yelling at me like that over the phone, I would feel quite obliged to just fucking hang up. No one is EVER going to scream at me like that, over the phone or to my face. I don't fucking care who you are. You shut your mouth, suck it up, don't smash in windows because you're mad, and we'll work it out when you've calmed the fuck down
I had an "In other news" but I forgot it. Got too worked up
That is all
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Day 14 - Favorite male character
Imma gonna do two. Deal wit it

This man is attractive. As a character, he's strong and athletic. He cares about the kids he works with. He LOVES his wife and he loves his daughter. He funny. He's sexy. He's a guy, which is something I feel many ladies' lives lack (Remember - He's still a guy). He makes really bad decisions, but he makes extremely good ones, too. He is the most important person in so many people's lives, but the guy's not cocky. He plays it cool and for that, I adore him. To you, Coach Taylor, I tip my metaphorical hat

I LOVE LORNE. In the shadow of Angel and Wesley and Gunn and all those other guys who aren't green, he tends to get forgotten. But, as the seasons progress on that show, he's pretty much the only reason I keep coming back. There is a certain depth to Lorne that's just enough that you're never overwhelmed by him. He sings prettily. And let us not forget that if it weren't for Lorne being from Pylia, we would never have been able to see Joss Whedon - as Numfar - do the Dance of Shame.
Lorne is a hilarious character and was just such a great member of the cast. I was hoping when he came on in Season 2, Joss would let him stay, and he did.
I couldn't find any clips except tributes to Andy Hallett. He died in March 2009 of congestive heart failure. He was only 33. Sad sad sad
Dune is the worst possible movie to fall asleep to.
And I'm not really sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing
Probably good
See, you're drifting off (because you drugged yourself to sleep and the drugs are lingering in your systems and you're impossibly tired), looking into the nice, blue eyes of some person on the television screen and then "AHHHHHHHHH!! GRAAHAHHHHHAHAHHAAAA!!!"
*startle* Whathefuck...
There was so much screaming and maniacal laughter and more yelling and screaming. I mean, that damn Baron would just randomly float up into the air and scream. The stupid Reverend mother with the nasty teeth was constantly yelling. And they were never yelling ANYTHING - just exercising their vocal chords, I'm imagine.
I don't quite know what to say about that movie. My mom and brother LOVE it, so I've seen parts, but I've never sat down to watch the entire thing. The minute that big whale/worm thing starts shitting light, I zone out (I'm not actually sure what's going on in that scene. It just looks like he's shitting lightbeams of some sort). But, I watched the entire thing yesterday. The parts I fell asleep for earlier in the day, I caught later when they had it on again.
Perhaps Dune is another book I should read. The story was interesting, but you try to take a good book and turn it into a movie (in the 80s, to top that), you'll probably wind up with a few people scratching their heads at the end
I would like to be able to blow somebody up with a thought, word, and/or sound. That would be really cool
My beef with the romantic comedy movie production
Example: a movie takes place in Ireland, but damn, you know, Brad Pitt is super cute (not) and would be great in that role...except he doesn't FUCKING SPEAK WITH AN IRISH ACCENT
There are far too many attractive Irishmen. Or Scotsmen. Or Brits. Why do they always have to find American actors to put on shitty accents when they could find someone who actually has the accent
What's worse is when they take a gloriously accented man (Gerard Butler) and make him speak in every accent EXCEPT his native Scottish one.
Uh. Excuse me. No
He can't do accents well, but the one that he already fucking has is sexy enough. Why don't we go with that, huh, guys?

This man is attractive. As a character, he's strong and athletic. He cares about the kids he works with. He LOVES his wife and he loves his daughter. He funny. He's sexy. He's a guy, which is something I feel many ladies' lives lack (Remember - He's still a guy). He makes really bad decisions, but he makes extremely good ones, too. He is the most important person in so many people's lives, but the guy's not cocky. He plays it cool and for that, I adore him. To you, Coach Taylor, I tip my metaphorical hat

I LOVE LORNE. In the shadow of Angel and Wesley and Gunn and all those other guys who aren't green, he tends to get forgotten. But, as the seasons progress on that show, he's pretty much the only reason I keep coming back. There is a certain depth to Lorne that's just enough that you're never overwhelmed by him. He sings prettily. And let us not forget that if it weren't for Lorne being from Pylia, we would never have been able to see Joss Whedon - as Numfar - do the Dance of Shame.
Lorne is a hilarious character and was just such a great member of the cast. I was hoping when he came on in Season 2, Joss would let him stay, and he did.
I couldn't find any clips except tributes to Andy Hallett. He died in March 2009 of congestive heart failure. He was only 33. Sad sad sad
Dune is the worst possible movie to fall asleep to.
And I'm not really sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing
Probably good
See, you're drifting off (because you drugged yourself to sleep and the drugs are lingering in your systems and you're impossibly tired), looking into the nice, blue eyes of some person on the television screen and then "AHHHHHHHHH!! GRAAHAHHHHHAHAHHAAAA!!!"
*startle* Whathefuck...
There was so much screaming and maniacal laughter and more yelling and screaming. I mean, that damn Baron would just randomly float up into the air and scream. The stupid Reverend mother with the nasty teeth was constantly yelling. And they were never yelling ANYTHING - just exercising their vocal chords, I'm imagine.
I don't quite know what to say about that movie. My mom and brother LOVE it, so I've seen parts, but I've never sat down to watch the entire thing. The minute that big whale/worm thing starts shitting light, I zone out (I'm not actually sure what's going on in that scene. It just looks like he's shitting lightbeams of some sort). But, I watched the entire thing yesterday. The parts I fell asleep for earlier in the day, I caught later when they had it on again.
Perhaps Dune is another book I should read. The story was interesting, but you try to take a good book and turn it into a movie (in the 80s, to top that), you'll probably wind up with a few people scratching their heads at the end
I would like to be able to blow somebody up with a thought, word, and/or sound. That would be really cool
My beef with the romantic comedy movie production
Example: a movie takes place in Ireland, but damn, you know, Brad Pitt is super cute (not) and would be great in that role...except he doesn't FUCKING SPEAK WITH AN IRISH ACCENT
There are far too many attractive Irishmen. Or Scotsmen. Or Brits. Why do they always have to find American actors to put on shitty accents when they could find someone who actually has the accent
What's worse is when they take a gloriously accented man (Gerard Butler) and make him speak in every accent EXCEPT his native Scottish one.
Uh. Excuse me. No
He can't do accents well, but the one that he already fucking has is sexy enough. Why don't we go with that, huh, guys?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Day 13 - Favorite childhood show
Early childhood: Eureka's Castle
Childhood: Are You Afraid of the Dark
(close second: Clarissa Explains it All)
Early in childhood, I really enjoyed watching Eureka's Castle. I'd like to see at least one episode again, because I honestly have no idea what it was like (except that I think it was puppets). It's like watching your favorite childhood movie over again and seeing how absolutely pathetic you were. I feel like I'd experience that with Eureka's Castle
But DEFINITELY not with Are You Afraid of the Dark. I think I spent a good portion of Sophomore and Junior year of college going over re-runs on megavideo or youtube. I loved that show and I still do. I feel that kids nowadays are missing that one show that scares the shit out of them, but not so badly that they stop watching. I remember being terrified of some of the episodes, but I always kept my eyes glued to the screen
I do know somebody that can no longer use blue toothpaste because of the comic book episodes with the Ghastly Grinner - when he smiled, blue goo leaked out from behind his teeth and he was a horrifying piece of work
But you know what the scariest part of that show was?
The opening credits
Such wonder and awesomeness
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must shut my window and blinds. The wind is blowing oddly and it's creeping me out
I think I know where my interest in the Devil (and my need for him to be strangely attractive in one way or another [Al Pacino is SUCH a good example of that]) came from.
The Stand
Randall Flagg
Now, if you haven't seen the miniseries, you probably don't know what I mean. And even if you have, you still probably think I'm insane. But believe it or not, I thought the actor that played Flagg was one of the most compelling and oddly attractive men I'd ever seen
Granted, I was probably 10 when I thought this
Perhaps this was the start of my famous bad taste in men
Regardless, my brother and mother were obsessed with watching The Stand. I felt like their watching it was an annual event kind of thing. And I would always make sure I was elsewhere when the first half of the movie took place. Why, you ask? Because it all had to do with a deadly flu that swept across the entire world and wiped out a good 90% of the population
And I HATE HATE HATE anything have to do with bio warfare. Shoot me in the fucking head, but if you give me a disease...that's the worst
Just below it is natural disaster movies, but anything having to do with disease or spreading of something that will change and/or kill a good percentage of the world, I don't want to see it.
...I know. I know! That doesn't make much sense considering I enjoy some zombie content. But make me watch Quarantine or I Am Legend or the part of Cloverfield when the girl gets bit and then explodes, and we're going to have a real problem.
But, when all that's said and done, I would watch the rest of it with them, mainly to watch Randall Flagg
I really ought to read the book. I do enjoy Stephen King quite a lot, so maybe I should borrow it from my mom.
In other news, IT RAINED! And everything in the apartment is cooler and lovelier and generally happy.
I'm also sorry that this whole TV Meme thing has been a bit boring. For how much TV I actually watch, it's a bit ridiculous how little I branch out. I'll try harder from now on to not just mention Buffy, Bones and Friday Night Lights
That is all
take it easy. don't die. don't get raped
Childhood: Are You Afraid of the Dark
(close second: Clarissa Explains it All)
Early in childhood, I really enjoyed watching Eureka's Castle. I'd like to see at least one episode again, because I honestly have no idea what it was like (except that I think it was puppets). It's like watching your favorite childhood movie over again and seeing how absolutely pathetic you were. I feel like I'd experience that with Eureka's Castle
But DEFINITELY not with Are You Afraid of the Dark. I think I spent a good portion of Sophomore and Junior year of college going over re-runs on megavideo or youtube. I loved that show and I still do. I feel that kids nowadays are missing that one show that scares the shit out of them, but not so badly that they stop watching. I remember being terrified of some of the episodes, but I always kept my eyes glued to the screen
I do know somebody that can no longer use blue toothpaste because of the comic book episodes with the Ghastly Grinner - when he smiled, blue goo leaked out from behind his teeth and he was a horrifying piece of work
But you know what the scariest part of that show was?
The opening credits
Such wonder and awesomeness
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must shut my window and blinds. The wind is blowing oddly and it's creeping me out
I think I know where my interest in the Devil (and my need for him to be strangely attractive in one way or another [Al Pacino is SUCH a good example of that]) came from.
The Stand
Randall Flagg
Now, if you haven't seen the miniseries, you probably don't know what I mean. And even if you have, you still probably think I'm insane. But believe it or not, I thought the actor that played Flagg was one of the most compelling and oddly attractive men I'd ever seen
Granted, I was probably 10 when I thought this
Perhaps this was the start of my famous bad taste in men
Regardless, my brother and mother were obsessed with watching The Stand. I felt like their watching it was an annual event kind of thing. And I would always make sure I was elsewhere when the first half of the movie took place. Why, you ask? Because it all had to do with a deadly flu that swept across the entire world and wiped out a good 90% of the population
And I HATE HATE HATE anything have to do with bio warfare. Shoot me in the fucking head, but if you give me a disease...that's the worst
Just below it is natural disaster movies, but anything having to do with disease or spreading of something that will change and/or kill a good percentage of the world, I don't want to see it.
...I know. I know! That doesn't make much sense considering I enjoy some zombie content. But make me watch Quarantine or I Am Legend or the part of Cloverfield when the girl gets bit and then explodes, and we're going to have a real problem.
But, when all that's said and done, I would watch the rest of it with them, mainly to watch Randall Flagg
I really ought to read the book. I do enjoy Stephen King quite a lot, so maybe I should borrow it from my mom.
In other news, IT RAINED! And everything in the apartment is cooler and lovelier and generally happy.
I'm also sorry that this whole TV Meme thing has been a bit boring. For how much TV I actually watch, it's a bit ridiculous how little I branch out. I'll try harder from now on to not just mention Buffy, Bones and Friday Night Lights
That is all
take it easy. don't die. don't get raped
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