Monday, April 6, 2009

Oh, sweet pity. Where would my love life be without it?

I don't know about you, but all the songs in my iTunes have a particular season with which I associate them. Explosions in the Sky will always be a band for gloriously breezy nights after scorching summer days; bottle of wine, star-gazing, feeling lazy. New Slang by the Shins is a driving-down-the-country-roads-towards-Clark-Lake summer song. Hoppipolla is a fall song.

I am going somewhere with this.

The iPod accompanied me to class today, as it always does. On random shuffle - of 500 songs - it decides to pick Heavy by Holly Brook. I have not heard this song in a while, and of all the days to play it, this just had to be the day.
You see, I assoicate this song with Christmas break. I listened to it ad nauseum during break. It is a winter song. It is a December song.

It is April.

It is snowing today.

I truly feel as if Christmas is just a hop, skip and a jump away.

I told you that to tell you this:

It's going to be a very disorienting day today.

Everybody take it easy. Don't get raped. Don't die

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