I don't know who to blame for this, but someone is to blame.
I know They are.
Why is it that Fate, the Cosmos, The-Way-Things-Be is such a bitch when it comes to dreams? You know? You're there, tossing and turning and doing everything short of crapping your pants and nothing wakes you up. No alarm. No roommate. You are alone in the terror that is a real nightmare. BUT (!!!!!) when it is all that you can do to keep yourself from jizzing everywhere from the sheer ecstasy of a wonderful dream, something always goes off. Cell phone, your damn mother's nagging voice, an early-rising roommate; hell, maybe you get a leg cramp, but regardless, you can never quite finish what you started.
All the build-up and no release.
Oh, how those words haunt me.
I mean, and sometimes it's just a matter of being curious. "Why, no. I've never role-played Cops and Robbers with [insert ridiculously attractive person] where I'm the bad, oh-so-bad robber stealing kittens or what have you and he/she is the rough and tough cop with a pair of leather handcuffs and a fuzzy beating stick...buuuuuut now that you mention it, sounds fun. Wonder where this could go?"
Yeah, well. You don't get to know where this is gonna go, do you?
Your alarm clock sees fit to wake you up right before you're told to turn around and spread 'em.
But, if you're dreaming about the person you love the most, dying before your eyes and he can't recognize you...lies in a coffin and he grinds his face against the splintered wood, puss and blood everywhere, because he no longer has the capacity to understand or feel that you're holding his hand as tightly as you can. And all you can do is pray that it'll end for him soon, but as long as you're looking at him, it doesn't end. Grotesque. *sigh* It's then that you don't wake up. Simple as that. You may try to make a bargain with whatever deity is up there running this show, but He ain't listenin'. You're on your own in this one.
Such is life.
In other news:
-Screenplay is going well - Lucifer is wonderous - and Jeff seems to like it a lot. Last note I got on it was, "You are weaving such a wicked, scary narrative." Thanks, Jeff ^_^
-Piano is going slow. I'm trying to branch out and challenge myself and it sucks - not too good at the pushing myself thing. I know a few songs, but I still feel like a pretender. Perhaps a beginner's piano class would be helpful...you know, learn chord progression and all that jazz. Learn to read lead sheets. That would be helpful.
-I want a new pair of shoes. I'm tired of all my other ones
-My hands are very cold
-I want Johnny Depp's shoes, dammit! They have some at Fluvog, but $255 is way too much to spend.
-London is making me nervous. I need to come up with a screenplay. Fuck
-I really want new shoes. *le sigh*
That is all for now
Take it easy, everyone. Don't get raped. Don't die
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