We have reached the point where my apartment, without a doubt, feels more like home than my childhood house does.
It's kind of odd, empty feeling, though not to be unexpected
Last night, Sam and I hit the bars (or one bar [Dublin Square, in case you wanted to knw]). It was the end of finals and I think we both wanted to get the hell out of my apartment and do something to celebrate. I really enjoyed myself, though Dublin Square does seem like one of those bars you go to in groups. More fun dancing with a group and then I don't feel so guilty taking up an entire table.
It would have been nice if Sean and Grix had come, but I understand. Some people like to celebrate with a drink and some people like to sit and relax. To each their own.
We heard "Call on Me" while we were there. I liked it.
Today, we had my mother's side of the family over for a Christmas gathering of sorts. I do adore my mother's side of the family, but all my cousins have reached an age where having toddlers is not an uncommon thing.
Let it be said: I do not hate babies. They make me very panicky, mainly for the reason that they give me a trapped sort of feeling. I am certainly not ready to have one and that's a really really good thing, because I don't want one. But I would MUCH rather deal with a baby than a toddler. Damn things are so fucking loud and they run around EVERYWHERE. Seriously, they have more energy than a power plant and they happen to think that everyone around them would love to share in that overwhelming energy.
Guess what? I don't. Sit the fuck down. Open your presents. Leave me the hell alone.
And don't take a hammer to our picture frames. Yes, they do break when you hit them. And don't tear the pages out of that book. They cannot be glued back in. I'm glad we had these learning experiences together.
In other news, my mother has let me have my Christopher O'Riley piano book before Christmas. Perhaps this is because she, like everyone else (including myself), is tired of hearing the same 6 songs over and over and over again. Or maybe she was being kind. That's a possibility, too
All the songs are going to be a tough challenge, but that's okay. It'll give me something to work for. If I can pull some of these off, I will finally be able to call myself a piano player.
Like I thought, I 2.5ed my poly sci class. I'm just grateful it's a 2.5 and not anything lower. My psych and english grade can make up for it. I just would hate for this to fuck up my GPA.
Whatever. It's just one class.
Now, I'm watching the new Doctor Who episode with my brother. They had a Doctor Who insider thingy focusing on David Tennant's seasons and going through his companions and all the drama with them, as well as his general greatness. This is fun.
Though, I'm going to have nightmares about these water creature thingys. I always see the creepiest things on Doctor Who...
Well, I'm going to go now, but, you know
take it easy. don't die. don't get raped. stay away from the creepy water monster things - as with most creepy things on Doctor Who, it's kind of contagious and you don't want to be a creepy water monster thing, now, do you?
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