Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My body's confused

I go from getting around 4 hours of sleep (at most) while I'm up at State, to getting at least 12 hours a night here in Jackson

I HAVE to attribute this to stark boredom. I'm telling you...by 10pm, I'm going to bed. This is just very odd for me, seeing as I rarely saw the inside of my eyelids before 3am during this last semester

I'll get into a "regular" sleep schedule by Christmas Eve at the latest. Thank God for midnight mass.


In other news, I bought new shoes yesterday. This would not be noteworthy except that it brought up something that I've longed to discuss: employees in clothing/acessory stores

Okay. Now, if you're sitting behind your counter thingy and you're talking to me, I really don't mind. I can make small talk with anyone and, on most days, I enjoy it muchly. As long as you stay where you are and don't bother me about buying anything, we'll talk about the weather or people spilling their coffee on your carpets or whatever else you want to talk about. And I understand the employees that walk around and ask you ONCE if you're looking for something. I don't really like it, but I understand that this is their job and they'd probably get written up if they didn't do it.
But, yesterday, I encountered the most RIDICULOUS lady I have ever seen. She asked me, and my brother and my father individually if we were looking for anything, despite us walking in together and all agreeing that we were just looking around. Then, she proceeded to circle the store and stop by us at various points of our shoe-searching. Every time I picked up a pair to try them on, she would grab at the box and ask if I wanted to put the shoes up at the counter to reserve them until I was done browsing. I politely said no about five times. When I was trying to decide between two pairs, she hoovered like she thought I was attempting to shove the heels down my pants and run out of the store. I'd look up at her and she'd smile and go on looking over my shoulder.


THEN, at the check-out counter, she tries to make jokes about my indecisive shoe-shopping.


Look, lady. You spent an entire half an hour tailing me through the damn store, peering over my shoulder, grabbing at things. I don't want you to talk to me. You're lucky that I needed winter boots and that I couldn't possibly leave those heels for someone else to buy, because every bit of me wanted to just walk out of that store and flip you the bird.

Well, I'm glad that's off my chest.

In other other news, piano playing is going well. You all are in pretty good luck. I have another song in the works to play over and over and make you want to stab your eyes out. But, at least it'll be a new song, right?

I really love 500 Days of Summer

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban still remains my absolute favorite Harry Potter book.

Alvin and the Chipmunks were just singing Hot N' Cold on that movie trailer. Jesus...

I love turkey leftovers. So many possibilities.

Still feel super neurotic when I eat Skittles.

I am going to marry Joesph Gordon-Lovitt
or maybe Justin Long
but I guess someone in my area will have to do.

Not sure which movie is more terrifying...Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Hmm

I've missed listening to music while I shower. Yay

Okay. I'm going to leave you alone now. Thanks for wasting time with me

take it easy. don't die. don't get raped

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