Monday, May 18, 2009

To Wong Foo, Thanks for everything - love, Judy Newmar

Yesterday wasn't too interesting of a day
I made it through my first left4dead campaign.
That damn truck always leaves without me, but not this time.
My mama bought be doughnuts after church
We watched Nights in Rodanthe (still as ridiculously corny as ever - still think I could have written the screenplay better - still liked it a lot - still think Richard Gere is the next best thing since sliced bread)
Ate a ton of chinese food. I miss Rice Kitchen, though
Went on a walk with Bridget and talked about a lot. We know everything about everything. Relationships, politics, religion, psychology, the sky is the limit because we know it all!...
Her car wouldn't start. Wouldn't even turn over.
We ate Frosties to mourn the loss of Bridget's car and her mama kissed me goodnight
Drove home to sad Sarah McLachlan music
A song reminded me of someone and it made my heart hurt
Looked at my senior yearbook. Strangely, it made me feel better

Today, I got up in time to catch To Wong Foo on TV. I remember my mother showing me this movie right after I had seen Dirty Dancing for the first time. I'm not quite sure why she did it, but my guess is that she thought no 12 year old should be mooning over Patrick Swayze in such a way.
If you're not familiar with To Wong Foo, it has Wesley Snipes and Patrick Swayze playing very convincing drag queens for the entire movie. You see a naked Patrick in the first few seconds of the movie and the loins are stirred, but the minute he sits down at his vanity, you can tell something's up. Just the way he sits and looks at himself in the piqued my interest. I wasn't quite prepared for what I saw.
To make a long story short, I loved the movie to pieces and I don't think it did what my mother had originally wanted it to do. Any man that can do that with his leg and hips earns the world's respect, and my love.

Take it easy. Don't get raped. Don't die

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