Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Still sweeping for the future

Today, I went to my career advising meeting

To make a long story short, she didn't give me the Lightbulb Answer, as I've taken to calling it, but as we talked, I came up with some things.

At first, it was just depressing. It got to the point that I thought I was going to cry. We were going over interests, in which I shot down the possibility of a job in every aspect because I'm too damn insecure about my writing, acting, ability to teach, and so on and so forth. Then, past job experience - yep, not a lot there. Then where I am in this whole career-finding business. Again, not a ton there.

She then told me that all the options she would have suggested for me, I had already thought of and ruled out on my own.

Well, damn

But, then we talked further. A few things came up:

Law school
Library Sciences

So, I can either be a bartender, a lawyer (preferably something that's NOT litigation heavy) or a librarian...or some odd combination of a bartending librarian...or a library lawyer...or a lawyer who bribes the courts with strategically made Long Islands.

The possibilities are so exciting, I'm having difficulty choosing

In the meantime, she made me take a personality test (MMPI [you know, are you an ENFJ or an ISTJ]) and that damn career test I think we took at Lumen some time or another. I didn't actually get the results back. They went straight to my career adviser. That sucks

But for real, I'm glad I went. I'm now leaning a bit towards Library Sciences. Now, I know this isn't law school and some people might be disappointed, but I think I would like doing this. Of course, there are more options open and my adviser will help me think of more once she gets those tests back, so I'm on my way to not feeling so anxious about all this stuff.


In other news, I had terrifying dreams last night. Not that I'm going to tell you what they were about. I just want you to know that I had bad dreams. I hope you feel concerned

take it easy. don't die. don't get raped.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I weep for the future

I have learned my lesson:

Never talk about the future or grad school possibilities after a long day of classes you loathe.

Especially if you're talking to someone you now rarely see or get to talk to.

As per usual, we pretty much ended up talking about our futures (or rather, my future, because it's selfish old me and I can only have conversations about myself, so beware. I'm self-involved) and it just made me really upset. I understand that these are issues that I have to address, and I KNOW that everyone feels hopeless when it comes to decisions about grad school or jobs. But just because everyone is having their eyes stabbed out with a spork doesn't make the fact that you're eyes are getting stabbed out with a spork any less painful.

So I whined and I made excuses and probably drove Bridget absolutely round the bend with my whining and excuses. It was so bad that when I got off the phone I was feeling hopeless about law/grad school AND there was self-loathing going on for taking over that damn conversation with my stupid insecurities, AS I ALWAYS SEEM TO DO.


I'm not going into the conversation here. I lived it once. I'm not going into it again.

But! There is light in this post

I went upstairs, drank a ton of water to push down that damn knot in my throat and talked with Emily for a bit. One thing led to another and now I have an appointment with a career planner person thingy who apparently is God when it comes to helping Arts and Letters kids find a job to shoot for. Here's to hoping that she blesses me with abundant job wisdom and opportunities. Amen

And then I made myself some monkey bread with melted frosting on it.

And then we watched A Very Potter Musical

And then I laughed until I couldn't laugh anymore

And then I went to bed.


take it easy. don't die. don't get raped

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I lurv my dragon

Is it really only Wednesday?

And we had Monday off

This is pathetic

I found an entire CD pack (2 CDs) of German club pop hits in my car. At first I couldn't remember where I had gotten them from, seeing as I don't usually buy CDs on a whim, much less buy German pop hits. I don't speak German. I think it sounds like a funny language, especially when it's sung, so I try to avoid these kinds of things at all costs. But, then I remembered that I didn't buy it - Sabrina lent it to me. And before I could give it back, I did the avoid-her-like-the-plague thing and she did the go-to-basic-training thing and it was never returned. Now I'm stuck with these 42 Schwarz Rot Gold 100% Deutsche Hits.


Perhaps I don't give these German folk enough credit. Some of these songs aren't half bad. Don't get me wrong, some are downright frightening, but if one were holding a mock rave, one might put some of these puppies on and let 'em bark...

It's 9:46 in the morning. Give me a fucking break.

Shit. It's 9:46 in the morning. I have to go to class. I guess that's all you're getting for now.

Take it easy. don't die. don't get raped. don't listen to bad German pop

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Punch me in the face

Today sucked a whole bunch of butt; perhaps the legal limit of butt was sucked today - not over the limit.

It wasn't that bad.

Besides the disgusting amount of walking, changing literally half my schedule in a mere 2 hours (and 3 computer labs), making a really hard decision that I didn't want to make, a supreme lack of food, unemployment hanging over my head, walking during the hottest parts of the day with three full binders in my bag, money problems, book expenses, and getting in WAY over my head with this damn class load...

it wasn't that bad.

*rolls eyes*

I really wanted to take the Love and Sex in Antiquity class, but for the sake of my sanity and my parent's bank account, I think I'm going to drop it. My adviser says I don't need it (that is, unless I fail something, but that's not too likely to happen [I hope]) because I have enough credits without that classical studies course. There goes all that wonderful Greek literature back to SBS. Oh well. Now I get to sleep in until 12pm or 1pm if I feel like it. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be good days to work.

We had a good dinner, though, and then got ourselves some wonderful ice cream across the street and proceeded to watch gruesome Animal Planet programs - I Got Bitten and I Shouldn't Be Alive.


So, this one guy got eaten by a bear. Like whoa. The bear bit him in such a spot that his entire skull collapsed and his eye sockets squeezed his eyes completely of the sockets, severing any nerves that held his eyes in his head. He said the only pain he felt as he was going in and out of consciousness was the bear's claws in his left quad and in his shoulders.
The next guy got attacked by a shark. Like whoa. When they saved him from the water, he said that they put him in a tourniquet bag that does just that - acts as a tourniquet to stop bleeding. He thought that they circulate warm water through the bag to keep up your temperature. Animal Planet corrected him; they weren't circulating warm water through the bag - it was all of his blood surrounding him because there were too many wounds bleeding out.
The next guy was bit a ton of times by a rattlesnake. It was so bad that for 4 days straight, it looked like there were worms running around beneath his skin because his muscles were going into seizure-like spasms from the venom. I had little sympathy for this man. He brought home the snake from his backyard for fun and then wasn't watching when the snake got out. I was glad he got bit, though, because my favorite Venomologist, Sean, was his doctor and I love seeing Sean on the TV. He's my TV Doctor Boyfriend. Hi, Sean!

I Shouldn't Be Alive was about two guys who go boating out on the Sea of Cortes and run into a nasty storm, marooning them on the only island on that sea to not have any vegetation, water, shade, and so on and so forth. They survived four days without water or food. The people that finally found them almost left them there because it was hard to believe that anyone would live through that and the poor Mexicans thought these two guys were lying.

Now, 'tis time for me to sleep and forget that I ever watched these shows. Blech

take it easy. don't die. don't get raped. don't get mauled by a bear. don't get eaten by a shark. don't take stray rattlesnakes home with you unless Sean the Venomologist is nearby, which in that case, I'll call 911 and me and him can bond. don't get stranded on an island on the Sea of Cortes
