Today, I went to my career advising meeting
To make a long story short, she didn't give me the Lightbulb Answer, as I've taken to calling it, but as we talked, I came up with some things.
At first, it was just depressing. It got to the point that I thought I was going to cry. We were going over interests, in which I shot down the possibility of a job in every aspect because I'm too damn insecure about my writing, acting, ability to teach, and so on and so forth. Then, past job experience - yep, not a lot there. Then where I am in this whole career-finding business. Again, not a ton there.
She then told me that all the options she would have suggested for me, I had already thought of and ruled out on my own.
Well, damn
But, then we talked further. A few things came up:
Law school
Library Sciences
So, I can either be a bartender, a lawyer (preferably something that's NOT litigation heavy) or a librarian...or some odd combination of a bartending librarian...or a library lawyer...or a lawyer who bribes the courts with strategically made Long Islands.
The possibilities are so exciting, I'm having difficulty choosing
In the meantime, she made me take a personality test (MMPI [you know, are you an ENFJ or an ISTJ]) and that damn career test I think we took at Lumen some time or another. I didn't actually get the results back. They went straight to my career adviser. That sucks
But for real, I'm glad I went. I'm now leaning a bit towards Library Sciences. Now, I know this isn't law school and some people might be disappointed, but I think I would like doing this. Of course, there are more options open and my adviser will help me think of more once she gets those tests back, so I'm on my way to not feeling so anxious about all this stuff.
In other news, I had terrifying dreams last night. Not that I'm going to tell you what they were about. I just want you to know that I had bad dreams. I hope you feel concerned
take it easy. don't die. don't get raped.
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