Bridget lost her phone under our couch, which is terribly understandable. I remember doing that one night - Halloween, actually - and having to take one of the funniest trips into poor sleeping Emily's room to get her phone to call my own.
Whatever. I'm just saying it's easy to lose your phone under our couch (even easier to lose it IN the couch)
So we lift up the couch
I understand the crumbs and the random book and the occasional sock, but what we found was quite odd considering I have absolutely no idea how they got there
Poker chips: Five white, four blue, three red (I think)
And a Joker card...with a naked blonde fingering herself
I would REALLY like to know how they got there. Emily and I do not own poker chips - we don't play poker at all. I don't remember anyone playing poker at our apartment and I seriously don't remember that stuff being under the couch a few months ago when I was moving stuff around to make room for the Papisan chair in the main room. And I might seem like the kind of person to have playing cards that are sex-themed, but you would NEVER see me with masturbating ladies on my cards. Dirty sayings, maybe. Corny jokes, definitely. Ladies pleasuring themselves? Yeah, not so much
She's not even that pretty. Her hair is all stringy
But that's really beside the point
A momentous occasion occurred today. I got a new phone and now have unlimited text messaging (!!!!). Bridget and I are taking every opportunity to flaunt this fact by texting random things to each other. For a while, I wanted to see how loud my ring was, so she texted. It went on and on, but I'm truly enjoying this. And the text messaging seems to get through easier at my house than calls do. We are seriously in a signal deadzone here. I have to answer my phone and run outside any time anybody tries to call. Texts, though? Fantastic and easy. I'll have to get used to using a keyboard, but we all have our crosses to bear
In other news, the loverly Bridget let me borrow one of her art books. If you haven't heard of Banksy, behold:

Call it glorified graffiti. Call it modern art. Call it whatever you want, but I find this one of the funniest and most interesting artists around. He's gained so much popularity over the years with his random pieces of art all around London and surrounding places. You almost feel honored seeing something of his because it's more than likely that he'll make something and a few days later, someone will be scrubbing it off the side of a building.
The anonymity of him is also appreciated. I know there are articles that have said that they've found the true Banksy. True or not, I couldn't care less. I almost enjoy it that much more if I have no idea what the guy looks like.
I was told about him while I was in London last summer and looked for his stuff everywhere, but I have a feeling it's one of those things where you'll see something of his if you're really not looking for it.
I just enjoying laughing with him at his art.
Go look him up. Read some of his comments. He's ridiculously funny

Courtesy of Goldsworthy in all of his brilliance and awkwardness
Sean's tomorrow, I think. I'm not sure. I think I'll make that decision at two tomorrow afternoon. Fun with the Walsh people, but also a relaxing 4th with the fam doesn't sound like such a bad idea either
*shrugs* Not too big a deal
That is all
Holy shit... CAIRN!!!