Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm sorry....

I have so very few people who read this, but after many a month of not posting, I can't imagine many people check back on this, but it is one of the links on my facebook, so you never know

As I mentioned in my last post, a few of us ladies created a blog to keep in touch with each other and I have found myself posting more and more there than on here. Since I share everything with them (or at least everything I would usually share here), I haven't posted anything on this blog because I haven't really seen a purpose. I'm blogging somewhere, right?


If you're one of those people out there (and I so terribly doubt this) that wants my constant life updates, let me know if in the comments. Otherwise, since I have a new mac, I'm doing a lot more video blogging as well as this new thing which is like Twitter, except with pictures

So, catch me here:
