Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm back!!!

I have the urge to put a status update at the top of this thing, but that's what I did for London and not what I usually do here.

Suffice to say, I'm doing well

I thought on my first blogpost back, I'd talk about blogging

Not everyone has the same problem as I do, but some do and that problem is admitting to reading someone else's blog.

Now, I have no idea why this would be so hard to admit. You put a link to your blog on facebook or your myspace or what have you and you have to be prepared for people to read it. Not a big deal. Obviously if you put it up for it to be public, a good part of you wants people to be interested in what you have to say and read it. And if you are one of those who clicked on the link and is now reading someone's blog, you should not feel the least bit awkward, right? It's public

But, sometimes I pretend that I don't stalk people nightly via blog. And I'd feel a little more weird about my odd denials if it wasn't for the fact that I KNOW people do it to me, too. There are a few people I KNOW read my blog while I was in London, yet, they insist on being surprised when I tell them that I went to Scotland or whatever else. That's perfectly fine. I do it, too. I just find it completely odd that some of us do this.

For the record, if you're reading this, it's very likely that I read your blog, too. Let that be a fact: I read your blog

Okay. Time to go eat more chips and watch more Dirty Jobs

Take it easy. Don't die. Don't get raped. Bye ^_^